Infoblox to Deliver IP Address Management (IPAM) System for Windows DNS and DHCP Services

Innovative Solution Will Be Delivered on Windows Server 2008

SANTA CLARA, CA--(Marketwire - April 7, 2008) - Infoblox Inc., a Microsoft Gold Certified partner, today announced it will work with Microsoft to introduce a Windows Server 2008 version of the Infoblox IPAM WinConnect™ system. The Infoblox IPAM WinConnect system is designed to simplify and speed management tasks for Microsoft DNS and DHCP services and improve accountability for security and compliance purposes. The new Microsoft Windows-based Infoblox IPAM WinConnect application will enable IT administrators to replace spreadsheets, manual processes and home-grown solutions for managing their IP address space with a powerful, cost-effective, dedicated tool.

"As a leader in DNS, DHCP and IPAM appliances, we are pleased that Infoblox will deliver their IPAM WinConnect solution on the Windows Server 2008 platform," said Mike Schutz, director of product management, Windows Server Division for Microsoft Corp. "It will give customers an IPAM solution that seamlessly fits into their existing Windows DNS/DHCP environments and provides a mechanism to effectively and efficiently manage their IP address space."

"Windows Server 2008 represents an exciting new platform for delivering IPAM for Microsoft networks," said Richard Kagan, vice president of Marketing for Infoblox. "For IT administrators accustomed to managing Microsoft systems, the Windows-based Infoblox IPAM WinConnect solution will be an incredibly powerful complement to their existing Microsoft DNS and DHCP systems. Administrators will now have at their fingertips a wealth of real-time, robust IP address information previously impossible to gather with home-grown tools and spread sheets."

IP address management is an increasingly daunting challenge in view of the rapidly increasing number and variety of new devices being added to enterprise IP networks. Most IT administrators manually perform IP address management functions and rely on spreadsheets for tracking addresses and devices. However, administrators are feeling the need for more robust IPAM functionality to increase efficiency, lower costs, reduce errors, and meet security and compliance objectives -- for which manual tools and spread sheets simply are not viable.

The Infoblox IPAM WinConnect Solution Automates Management and Reduces Costs

The Infoblox IPAM WinConnect system complements Microsoft Windows DNS/DHCP systems, allowing enterprises to realize improved operational efficiency and control of their IP address space, as well as support for security and compliance initiatives.

With the IPAM WinConnect system, IT administrators can manage DNS, DHCP and IPAM from a single centralized console through an intuitive Web-based GUI that offers a graphical and hierarchical representation of the IP map. The time-consuming processes related to administrating IP addresses are automated, making management tasks easier, faster, more reliable and more accountable.

Further, the Infoblox IPAM WinConnect system provides many features, such as detailed audit logs, to provide administrative audit trails for regulatory compliance. There is easy insight into historic and current IP usage, as well as automatic discovery of IP devices on the network. And, granular, role-based administration enables IT managers to delegate management tasks to different functional groups in different geographies, providing local authority to make changes to IP allocation and naming without losing visibility or control.

With no need to install agents on existing Microsoft Windows DNS/DHCP servers in the network, the Infoblox IPAM WinConnect system is also easy to deploy.


The Infoblox IPAM WinConnect solution is available today. The IPAM WinConnect system for Windows Server 2008 will be available the second half of 2008.

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About Infoblox

Infoblox appliances deliver utility-grade core network services, including domain name resolution (DNS), IP address assignment and management (IPAM/DHCP), authentication (RADIUS) and related services. Infoblox solutions, which provide the essential "glue" between networks and applications, are used by over 2,200 organizations worldwide, including over 100 of the Fortune 500. Infoblox is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and operates in more than 30 countries. For more information, call +1.408.625.4200, email, or visit

Contact Information: Media Contacts: Jennifer Jasper Infoblox 408.625.4309