University of Minnesota Deploys Infoblox Appliances

Student Authentication and IP Address Assignment Dramatically Streamlined

SANTA CLARA, CA--(Marketwire - October 27, 2008) - Infoblox Inc. today announced that the University of Minnesota has deployed Infoblox appliances for delivery of core network services, including internal and external domain name resolution (DNS) and IP address assignment and management (DHCP/IPAM) -- essential to daily operation of its extensive network and applications, enabling access to resources such as student registration, assignments and health records.

In addition to bolstering reliability, manageability and security of its core network services infrastructure, ensuring nonstop delivery of DNS and DHCP services, the University has implemented a unique authentication portal enabled by Infoblox appliances that allows more than 6,500 residential hall students easy, secure and authorized network access.

The previous solution for network address management services did not meet the University's requirements. The University requirements expanded in scope, scale and functionality, focusing on self-service and security.

Mike LeVoir, network design engineer at the University of Minnesota, commented: "The Infoblox solution met the University's requirements of built-in reliability and features that allow delegated management with data-entry templates for the various departments."

"Infoblox made the process of implementing our student authentication portal seamless. Students used to have to locate their MAC address -- not necessarily intuitive for some -- and then register their device with the IT department by physically visiting one of our centers. With Infoblox, the students don't need to know their own MAC address, nor do they have to leave their dorm rooms. What used to take 30 minutes now takes seconds, and we moved the process from something cumbersome to something much simpler both for students and the IT department."

On campus, there are 6 Infoblox appliances running the Infoblox DNSone package that includes Infoblox's unique grid technology. The grid technology links the Infoblox appliances together so they can operate as a unified system for resiliency and management advantages. An HA pair is acting as grid masters, two are delivering DHCP services, and the remaining two are performing DNS services as authoritative masters. Additionally, there is one at the Univ. of Washington, which via grid technology is fully integrated with a remote authoritative master and the local six appliances.

The University is currently using the authenticated DHCP function in campus residence halls with plans to roll it out to the entire University. When logging on to the University network, students are automatically redirected to a captive portal where they are shown a registration page and acceptable use policy. Once authorized, students are then assigned a University-issued IP address. Previously, students had to go to a physical lab on campus and register their device(s). It was a cumbersome and time consuming process. Now using the portal, students simply plug in their device in their dorm room, log on and they are on the network after a seamless host registration process.

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About Infoblox

Infoblox appliances deliver utility-grade core network services, including domain name resolution (DNS), IP address assignment and management (DHCP and IPAM), authentication (RADIUS) and related services. Infoblox solutions, which provide the essential "glue" between networks and applications, are used by over 2,300 organizations worldwide, including over 100 of the Fortune 500. The company is headquartered in Santa Clara, Calif., and operates in more than 30 countries. For more information, call +1.408.625.4200, email, or visit

Contact Information: Media Contacts: Jennifer Jasper Infoblox 408.625.4309