FieldTurf Saves Over 23 Billion Gallons of Water

MONTREAL, Nov. 5, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the industry pioneer of new generation artificial turf, FieldTurf has made environmental best practices part of its corporate culture since the very beginning. And with over 23 billion gallons of water saved since its inception in the mid-1990s that would have otherwise been used in natural grass lawns, playgrounds, and sports fields, the safest and most durable turf on earth has become the most environmentally beneficial landscaping solution in the world. To view a real time ticker of the water being saved with FieldTurf, please visit or

FieldTurf is also safe for pets because of its environmentally sound silica sand, recycled rubber, and polyethylene components along with its ability to provide an aesthetically perfect lawn. The complete elimination of pesticides and lawnmower use also contributes to a healthier lifestyle for both humans and pets. Over the last decade, in addition to saving a substantial amount of water, FieldTurf has eliminated over 2.5 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and fertilizers that would have been used on natural grass surfaces.

"FieldTurf has long been at the forefront of positive environmental turf technology," said FieldTurf CEO Joe Fields. "With the increasing amount of FieldTurf lawns and sports fields being installed every year, homeowners, cities, counties, and state departments can rest assured that we are doing our part towards the conservation of precious resources and the elimination of harmful products and chemicals involved with regular sod landscaping."

In many states there are water shortages and emphasis on eliminating the use of products that harm the environment such as pesticides and lawnmower gas. The FieldTurf product is designed to outperform strict standards that exist for landscape applications. The same qualities that make FieldTurf an outstanding surface for sports fields makes it ideal for landscaping. In addition to saving large amounts of potable water each year, FieldTurf lawns and sports fields drain many times faster than regular sod, allowing our most valued resource to quickly get back into the water cycle.

FieldTurf helps organizations earn the necessary points needed for U.S. Green Building Council LEED certification. FieldTurf's reused rubber content and water use reduction, among other factors, can contribute numerous points towards LEED certification. FieldTurf is also a proud member of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Greenscapes program that aims towards providing cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions for landscaping.

