Doctors Perform Delicate Surgery on Funny Bone -- Procedure Successful; Patient in Stitches

RICHLAND, Wash., Dec. 20, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

  *  Would a restaurant owned by a psychiatrist be called Oral
  *  Does the term "GI series" refer to military ballgames?
  *  If an orthopedist owned a saloon, would its name be The
     Plastered Joint?

A new book, The Best of Wits End: Medical Humor at Its Brainiest, celebrates the most brilliant puns and punch lines generated by physicians. Collected from a contest that ran for years in a physicians' magazine, this book proves that medical professionals, when asked to come up with one-liners, are funnier than most people realize-funnier, in fact, than most card-carrying humorists.

The major domo of the magazine contest, Harold "Icarus" Ellner, M.D., is a witty urologist with a profound understanding of the stream of life. Dr. Ellner is to be thanked for this book, having selected the best medical jokes for The Best of Wits End.

Does a reader have to be a physician to get these jokes? Some of them, perhaps. Not every layman will understand that...

  *  If an endocrinologist owned a bar, its name would be Polly's
  *  A pulmonologist reviewing a play might describe it as a case
     of "acute thespitory distress."
  *  Or, as the opthalmalogist said, "Retina rage left Scarlett."

Still, most of The Best of Wits End is sure to make anyone, even malpractice lawyers, laugh. After all, you don't need a medical degree to admire the physician who named his football team the Sphincters because "Nothing gets by them, and they have the best tight end in the business."

Wits End is available through for sale for $34.99 (hard cover) and $23.99 (soft cover), plus shipping. Dr. Ellner is available for interviews, not to mention medical meetings that could use a little comic relief.

To contact Dr. Ellner for interviews or review copies, email of Carl Singer at Northeast News.

 Carl Singer 212.477.2283

           The Best of Wits End * by Harold J. Ellner, M.D.
                  Medical Humor at Its Brainiest
               Publication Date: November 11, 2008
         Trade Paperback; $23.99; 454 pages; 978-1-4363-0615-7
         Cloth Hardback; $34.99; 454 pages; 978-1-4363-0616-4

Tear sheets may be sent by regular or electronic mail to Marketing Services. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (610) 915-0294 or call (888) 795-4274 x. 7876.

For more information, contact Xlibris at (888) 795-4274 or on the web at


