Radio Show Travel Expert Stephanie Abrams Rebuts Anti-Travel Stance of Companies and Government

BOSTON, Feb. 28, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nationally syndicated radio show host Stephanie Abrams describes herself as "the picket in the fence that stands at an angle while all the other pickets stand straight up," referring to her views on companies canceling meetings, conferences, conventions and incentive trips which have become a political football. Abrams says she is doing her best to inform her audiences of the importance of such events and the ramifications on the economy from cancellation of group plans.

"With one out of every nine people in the world employed in travel and tourism, it's important to take a close look at the revenue generated by tourism," Abrams notes. "Meetings, conferences, and conventions are generally planned a year or more in advance. Cancellations result in loss of significant deposits for the company and more significant losses for the destination," Abrams explains. "Car rental companies, hotels, bellmen, waiters, and local shops suffer from abrupt loss of business which has a massive effect on the economy of the destination and the broader ripple effect on purchases nationwide. Abrupt cancellations of large blocks of rooms are almost impossible to fill, leaving hotels with huge revenue losses. If you want to destroy another industry, tell people and companies not to travel."

Abrams notes that sales meetings, conferences and conventions have long proved to be an effective stimulus tool to boost morale, focus on goals and plans, revitalize sales, marketing and business development teams, "and send people home charged up and focused on the mission of the company. We need that kind of laser-sharp sense of mission and enthusiasm now more than ever. Plans for quantum leaps often result from a change of pace and setting and distance from distractions. Companies with satellite offices in multiple locations find that an easy-to-reach location is often a time and cost-saving devise to bring the team together for training, seminars, and strategy sessions," Abrams explains.

The most misunderstood form of travel, according to Abrams, is the Incentive Trip. "This is a trip that costs the company nothing! Travel is a motivator to get people to do what you want them to do! That's why contests give away trips and not books! If you want your customer to buy more, your salespeople to sell more or your manufacturing divisions to produce more, promise them trips if they meet their goals. The cost of the trip is paid for from the increased revenue generated by motivated people focused on meeting goals to earn the incentive."

Noting that the quantum leap for companies may take place on a golf course and not in a boardroom, Abrams concludes, "In our zeal to get our economy on track, let's try not to take down the travel industry in the process!"

Visit, for details on Abrams' nationally syndicated radio shows, Travel WITH Stephanie Abrams and Traveling Feet.


