Radio Show Host Travel Expert Stephanie Abrams Weighs in On U.S. Finalists in Great Barrier Reef Caretaker Contest for Queensland, Australia Tourism Today

BOSTON, March 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- A panel which includes nationally syndicated radio show host and travel expert Stephanie Abrams has assembled on behalf of Australia's Tourism Queensland today in Long Beach, California to interface with some of the top U.S. finalists for the position of Caretaker of an island in the Great Barrier Reef in the Best Job in the World Contest. Over 35,000 applications were received from all over the world in the competition for the six-month position which pays the winner US $100,000. The contest is designed to focus attention on Queensland's value to tourists.

When asked about her participation, Abrams states that she is honored and delighted to participate in this innovative event and its compelling focus that draws attention to the Great Barrier Reef and Queensland tourism offerings. "Anyone who knows me or listens to my radio shows is aware that March is always reserved for one of my three yearly visits to Ireland! It would have to take something as creative and compelling as Tourism Queensland's event to get me to reschedule my plans and take a 'long-cut' to Ireland through California! I just couldn't miss this special event and I'll be on my way to Ireland as soon as the event concludes!" Abrams notes. "I know that my radio audience is going to be very interested in knowing more about Queensland and the Great Barrier Reef as destinations that fit into my mission to present my radio and website audiences to destinations that I believe they will return from feeling enriched, enhanced, uplifted and inspired. I may be bouncing back and forth between Ireland and Queensland in the future!" Abrams notes.

The panel today meets some of the contest's U.S. semi-finalists as the Queensland Exchange, a weekend dedicated to increasing the number of Queensland's visitors from the U.S., kicks off. The event features special programs focused on the benefits of travel to the region which are of particular interest to American travelers. Today's morning session provides a forum for tour operators and wholesalers of travel services to Australia to discuss how to maximize media opportunities to promote travel to Queensland with the panel of experts.

Panel experts at Queensland's event are: Catharine Hamm, travel editor for the Los Angeles Times Travel section; Rohit Bhargava, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Marketing, for Ogilvy 380 Digital Influence; John Frazier, marketing and communications veteran and member of the Executive Committee at Quinn & Company; and Stephanie Abrams who has won multiple awards for excellence in marketing, public relations, and advertising campaigns, her humanitarian and philanthropic missions and whose radio shows are archived at her award-winning website,, which serves as a rich resource providing photos, stories and valuable information of interest to travelers.

The Abrams Hospitality Marketing logo is available at


