Omnicity Partners With Its First Rural Telephone Company -- Craigville Telco

RUSHVILLE, Ind., April 15, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Omnicity Corp (OTCBB:OMCY) has taken another step forward in "Bringing Broadband to the Heartland" by partnering with Craigville Telephone Company "Craigville Telco". This partnership will bring additional fiber optic connection to Omnicity's carrier grade wireless network. Omnicity, the Midwest's largest WISP has developed a business model that partners with rural telephone companies across rural America. Omnicity has developed a partnership program with Rural Electric Membership Cooperatives (REMCs) to deliver Broadband services to their customers. The partnership with Craigville Telco allows Omnicity to increase network coverage in a region that covers their existing partnership with United REMC in Huntington, Wells, Adams and Allen Counties in north eastern Indiana.

Craigville Telco GM, Lee VanGunten, commented, "We welcome Omnicity into our coverage area to bring Broadband services over a wireless network where our focus has been on building fiber optic and traditional DSL and telephone services." Omnicity will connect into the Craigville fiber optic network to provide a cost effective method to deliver Broadband services, over a WiMax wireless network, into un-served and underserved areas of rural Indiana. Greg Jarman, COO of Omnicity said, "We have been partnering with United REMC providing services to their customers for a couple of years. We see this as an excellent opportunity for Omnicity to increase network coverage, speeds and services to customers throughout the region. The partnership with Craigville establishes our method of working with rural telephone companies while servicing the customers of our REMC partners. There are many folks desperately looking for service today and with our model, everybody wins."

About Omnicity:

Our vision is to be the first broadband service provider to expand its network across rural America.

Omnicity Corp is a public company based in Indiana providing broadband access, including advanced services of voice, video and data, in un-served and underserved small and rural markets and is planning to be the premier consolidator of rural market broadband nationwide. Omnicity's strategy is to provide a total broadband solution and continue rapid growth through acquisitions, organic growth and continue to partner with Rural Electric Membership Co-ops and Rural Telephone Companies. Omnicity has an experienced broadband operations team with extensive wireless broadband/ISP expertise as well as the expertise to consolidate large numbers of businesses through its roll-up strategy.

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