Omnicity Hosts Municipality Technology Summit

RUSHVILLE, Ind., April 22, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Omnicity Corp (OTCBB:OMCY) -- Yesterday, Omnicity, the Midwest's largest Broadband Service Provider, showcased the next generation of First Responder and Automatic Meter Infrastructure equipment to an enthusiastic crowd of municipality leaders. The Blackford County Economic Development group co-sponsored the event in Hartford City, Indiana. Omnicity presented their Municipal Mobile Broadband Model, including a financial model, that allows rural communities to have carrier grade fiber optic and a WiMax wireless network to receive data, voice and video services in a mobile environment.

Greg Jarman, Omnicity's COO, addressed the audience regarding the need for an IP based data network that enables mobile services and open communication between police, fire and other emergency services. "The need for interoperability between local, county, state and federal officials first got our attention in Oklahoma City in 1996 and again in New York City on September 11, 2001. Our system answers the call to deliver these services to even the smallest of the rural communities. We are even getting the attention of some larger cities as well with this model," added Jarman. Dr. Kamil Agi of K-A Wireless, Inc. demonstrated the ability to deliver a live video feed from emergency vehicles back to the dispatch center using the Omnicity network. The network also allows for video surveillance and video communication between vehicles to improve safety and security to the First Responder teams.

Additionally, Omnicity presented their Automatic Meter Infrastructure ("AMI") system, including a revenue generating program that monitors water flows and water usage into an automated billing system. The AMI system is combined into the overall IP based network allowing the municipality-owned water utility to remotely monitor their water supply and billing system. Blackford County Economic Director, Rob Cleveland added, "Omnicity offered something for every government entity, no matter its size or budget. The products, systems and solutions that were showcased here today not only have the ability to save money, but also to save lives. Omnicity's solutions will go a long way toward educating the public about new ways to use cutting-edge technology."

About Omnicity:

Our vision is to be the first broadband service provider to expand its network across rural America

Omnicity Corp is a public company based in Indiana providing broadband access, including advanced services of voice, video and data, in un-served and underserved small and rural markets and is planning to be the premier consolidator of rural market broadband nationwide. Omnicity's strategy is to provide a total broadband solution and continue rapid growth through acquisitions, organic growth and continue to partner with Rural Electric Membership Co-ops and Rural Telephone Companies. Omnicity has an experienced broadband operations team with extensive wireless broadband/ISP expertise as well as the expertise to consolidate large numbers of businesses through its roll-up strategy.

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