-- First Place ($5,000 Prize) - Death vs. Monstars by Balazs Buri -- Second Place ($3,000 Prize) - Electric Box by Ishtiak Zaman of Twinkle Star Games -- Third Place ($2,000 Prize) - Gluefo 2.0 by Gordon Simpson of Irregular Games -- FreeSpin3D Prize ($5,000 + FreeSpin3D license) - Haku: Spirit Storm by Daniel AdijansGames were judged by a panel of expert judges, including Mochi Media and FreeSpin3D employees. "It's great to see the creativity of our developer community in action," said Jameson Hsu, Chief Mochi at Mochi Media. "FreeSpin3D gave them a great new set of tools and a whole new palette to work with, and the results were pretty spectacular. This is a great example of the tremendous advances in gaming using Adobe Flash technology -- both in how games are developed and how gamers interact with them." Developers submitting entries were required to take advantage of Mochi Media's leaderboards functionality, with the option to take advantage of the FreeSpin3D platform. FreeSpin3D enables rapid development and real-time rendering of 3D content in Adobe Flash. FreeSpin3D technology is based on its propriety One Layer 3D™ (OL3D) core technology, which allows real-time rendering of 3D content on two-dimensional environments, such as Web browsers and power limited low-end devices such as mobile phones. "The games that were submitted were fantastic -- not just the winners, but all of them," said Amir Fischer, CEO of Revolver. "It's inspiring to see the creativity of Mochi Media's developer community in their use of FreeSpin3D technology, and we are looking forward to seeing how they use FreeSpin3D to push the envelope of how games are developed using Adobe Flash technology and what they can become." To play the winning games, please visit: http://mochiads.com/contest/jan09/ About Mochi Media Mochi Media is the world's largest casual online game network, serving the needs of thousands of Flash developers, reaching almost 100 million unique users each month with a library of over 14,000 games, and enabling advertisers to reach engaged consumers with targeted display, text, and video ads. The company's MochiAds program provides developers with tools to track distribution and usage analytics, enable version control and live updates to distributed games, and provide real-time ad insertion for pre-game and in-game ads. MochiAds developers gain distribution opportunities to over 25,000 websites, as well as monetization opportunities by sharing in the ad revenue generated by their games. Mochi Media is headquartered in downtown San Francisco. About FreeSpin3D FreeSpin3D is developed by Revolver animation and game technologies. Revolver is focused on providing the graphic, animation and game industry with advanced computer graphic enabling solutions. The company's patent pending core technology, One Layer 3D (OL3D), enables the implementation of commercial cross platform polygon graphics solutions for real-time rendering of 3D content in 2D environments such as Web browsers and power limited low-end devices, such as mobile phones, PDAs and game consoles -- regardless of dedicated software and/or hardware, such as a GPU. Our aim is to enable swift, simple, and compelling 3D graphic content anywhere. To learn more visit www.freespin3d.com/. Trademarks: Adobe and Flash are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated, FreeSpin3D and One Layer 3D (OL3D) are trademarks of Revolver, and all other trademarks are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies in the United States and/or other countries.
Contact Information: Press Contacts: Corey Lewis or Christopher Schreiber LaunchSquad (415) 625-8555 mochimedia(at)launchsquad(dot)com Or: Karen Quatromoni Rainier Communications 508-475-0025 x150 kquatromoni(at)rainierco(dot)com