Omnicity Maps Out Major Expansion With Afterimage GIS

RUSHVILLE, Ind., May 27, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Omnicity Corp (OTCBB:OMCY) continues to move forward in its nationwide expansion plan and has partnered with Afterimage GIS to map out major new territories for growth and efficiency. Omnicity, in their first quarter as a publicly held company, has tripled in size through acquisition and is focused on their 17,000 square mile coverage area to increase their customer base through internal growth. The partnership with Afterimage GIS gives Omnicity the marketing and planning tool that is key to more fully understanding the markets they serve as well as more precisely defining important elements of the markets where the Company plans to grow. Greg Jarman, COO of Omnicity commented, "We look forward to working with another Indiana-based company and we are very impressed with the management team at Afterimage GIS. They bring many years of wireless experience and their 3-D mapping solution will allow us to grow into our neighboring states of Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan and Illinois much more efficiently."

Afterimage GIS Co-Founder and CEO Paul Shanayda stated, "Our mapping service can accurately predict signal strength along with other metrics for households and businesses across the U.S." We have partnered with Omnicity because we see its vision and leadership role in the WiMax and fiber optic industry and have chosen to share in its corporate growth as well." The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 has allocated $7.2 billion dollars for connecting rural and underserved communities in America with broadband Internet. To aid in the identification and deployment process of these communities, Afterimage GIS has developed several products and services that will assist rural America. Mr. Shanayda added, "With stimulus dollars being allocated for broadband development, Afterimage GIS's solution can help Omnicity secure these grants and supply information to help make their deployments successful."

The Omnicity partnership with Afterimage should produce significant operating expense savings for the Company and dramatically accelerate speed to market. Afterimage's tools will help Omnicity determine the best ways to bring its broadband services to a rural county, whether by one of its various wireless options or by fiber.

About Omnicity:

Our vision is to be the first broadband service provider to expand its network across rural America.

Omnicity Corp is a public company based in Indiana providing broadband access, including advanced services of voice, video and data, in un-served and underserved small and rural markets and is planning to be the premier consolidator of rural market broadband nationwide. Omnicity's strategy is to provide a total broadband solution and continue rapid growth through acquisitions, organic growth and continue to partner with Rural Electric Membership Co-ops and Rural Telephone Companies. Omnicity has an experienced broadband operations team with extensive wireless broadband/ISP expertise as well as the expertise to consolidate large numbers of businesses through its roll-up strategy.

About Afterimage GIS:

Afterimage GIS is an award winning geospatial information services consultancy. Its innovative use of Geographic Information System (GIS) has received national and international acclaim, particularly in the realm of wireless network deployment planning. Afterimage's clients range from small rural telcos to national ISPs, hardware firms and state broadband entities.

Forward-looking statements, made pursuant to safe harbor provisions of the PSLR Act of 1995, inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for changes after the date of this release.

