THIN - Mandatory notice

The instant notice is issued by Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") on behalf of a primary insiders in the company.
Morten Opstad is chairman of the board of directors of Thinfilm. In the rights issue in Thinfilm, where allocation took place on 5 June 2009, close relations of Morten Opstad and Marc O Polo Norge AS, a company controlled by Morten Opstad, were allocated combined 399,393 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.11 per share.
Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Opstad and close associates will hold 472,803 shares, 399,393 warrants and 75,000 subscription rights in Thinfilm.
Rolf Åberg is a member of the board of directors of Thinfilm. In the rights issue in Thinfilm, where allocation took place on 5 June 2009, Mr. Åberg was allocated 54,408 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.11 per share.
Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Åberg and close associates will hold 64,408 shares, 54,408 warrants and 150,000 subscription rights in Thinfilm.
7 June 2009
Thin Film Electronics ASA