Omnicity Adds Two More Counties by Acquisition

RUSHVILLE, Ind., June 17, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Omnicity Corp. (OTCBB:OMCY), the Midwest's largest fixed Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP), continues forward with its plan to become the premier consolidator of the WISP industry by acquiring the business and network infrastructure of Culver, Indiana-based CulCom. The addition of CulCom allows Omnicity to continue to provide services in underserved areas in northern Indiana as Omnicity continues to bring broadband to the heartland. Greg Jarman, COO of Omnicity, said, "The acquisition of CulCom represents an important addition to the Omnicity network by adding a strong customer base in a strategic REMC region that adds coverage to the north of its current network."

CulCom began operations in 2002 by bringing broadband services to the rural underserved areas of North Central Indiana in Marshall and Fulton Counties. Rich Systma, founder and President of CulCom, added, "We have brought broadband services into an area that had nothing but dial up Internet. We have grown as much as we can and we now look to Omnicity to continue to build out this area where the need is huge for advanced broadband services." Omnicity plans to add additional towers and higher speeds to the CulCom network to make it WiMax compatible and plans to add Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VOIP) and Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) throughout the coverage area over fiber optic and WiMax wireless technology. This transaction represents the sixth acquisition in the last three months since the Company went public in February 2009.

About Omnicity:

Our vision is to be the first broadband service provider to expand its network across rural America

Omnicity Corp. is a public company based in Indiana providing broadband access, including advanced services of voice, video and data, in un-served and underserved small and rural markets and is planning to be the premier consolidator of rural market broadband nationwide. Omnicity's strategy is to provide a total broadband solution and continue rapid growth through acquisitions, organic growth and continue to partner with Rural Electric Membership Co-ops and Rural Telephone Companies. Omnicity has an experienced broadband operations team with extensive wireless broadband/ISP expertise as well as the expertise to consolidate large numbers of businesses through its roll-up strategy.

Forward-looking statements, made pursuant to safe harbor provisions of the PSLR Act of 1995, inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for changes after the date of this release.

