SPOT Congratulates Zac Sunderland On Achieving World Record for Youngest World Circumnavigator in Solo Sailing

Expedition Product Sponsorship With SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger Provided Remote Satellite Messaging and Emergency Communications

MILPITAS, Calif., July 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SPOT LLC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Globalstar Inc. (Nasdaq:GSAT) and an award-winning leader in personal satellite messaging and emergency communications, today congratulates Zac Sunderland, 17, on breaking the World Record for the youngest person to circumnavigate the world in solo sailing history. Zac arrived back in his home port in Marina del Rey, California on Thursday morning July 16, 2009, completing his 13-month quest.

On June 14, 2008, Zac Sunderland departed Marina del Rey, on his 36-foot Islander named The Intrepid to complete a 28,000-nautical-mile voyage and break the world record. Sunderland, the oldest of seven siblings, is the first person under the age of 18 and the youngest to circumnavigate the world solo. He docked his yacht today at Fisherman's Village in the Marina.

SPOT LLC sponsored Zac's expedition with a donation of a SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger(tm) and service plan providing him with messaging capabilities. His SPOT device enabled Zac the ability to send location updates in real-time via satellite to his family or for emergency communications.

"Zac's passion for sailing and quest for adventure and personal best speaks volumes to the character of this young man," said Darren Bassel, director of global marketing for SPOT LLC. "We are proud that the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger was an instrumental component to Zac's safety plan, allowing him to share his locations throughout his expedition providing invaluable peace-of-mind to his family. We have been following his progress and are honored to have participated in his record-breaking expedition."

The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger(tm) became a critical communication tool when Zac lost all power to his radar while at sea off the coast of Granada. Days before, during 15-foot seas that snapped his spinnaker, he lost his satellite phone which he used almost daily to communicate with his parents. Worried from days of not hearing from Zac, his parents were finally relieved when an SMS text message came through on his mom's cell phone: "Hi Mom, it's Zac. I'm OK."

The handheld battery operated SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger(tm) sends the user's GPS location coordinates and select messages over a global satellite network to personal contacts as SMS text or email with a link to Google Maps(tm). In an emergency, SPOT will notify an international rescue coordination center of one's location and need for help. Because SPOT uses satellite technology, users can reliably send their location information and messages regardless of cellular service availability.

To learn more about Zac Sunderland's historic expedition, please visit his website at or his blog at


The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger, the world's first satellite messenger, uses both the GPS satellite network to determine a customer's location and the SPOT network to transmit that information to friends, family or an emergency service center. SPOT LLC., a subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc. (Nasdaq:GSAT), provides lifesaving communications technology that allows users to communicate from remote locations around the globe. Thanks to this affordable, cutting-edge personal safety device, the company offers people peace-of-mind by allowing customers to notify friends and family of their location and status, and to send for emergency assistance in time of need, completely independent of cellular phone or wireless coverage. For more information on how SPOT LLC is helping users live to tell about it(sm) -- from disaster preparedness to outdoor adventure purposes -- visit

Notes to Reporters:

High-resolution photos of SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger are available at To arrange an interview with Zac Sunderland please contact the following media contacts.

