THIN - Prospectus 29 July 2009

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm")  has prepared a prospectus in connection with the admission to trading on Oslo Axess of 14,000,000 shares in Thin Film Electronics ASA issued in a private placement resolved on 8 June 2009.
The prospectus is enclosed in pdf file.
The prospectus is available to the public in electronic format for download from Thinfilm's web site The prospectus is available to the public in print, free of charge, at Thinfilm's office at Henrik Ibsensgate 100, P.O. Box 2911 Solli, NO-0230 Oslo, Norway, or on request to Thinfilm at telephone +47 4062 1040, e-mail erling.svela(at) or telefax +47 2327 2701.
30 July 2009
Thin Film Electronics ASA

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