Omnicity Launches Experiential Marketing Unit "EMU 1"

RUSHVILLE, Ind., Aug. 17, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As an integral part of its territory focused marketing and direct sales strategy Omnicity Corp (OTCBB:OMCY) has launched specific targeted market sales campaigns utilizing "EMU 1" (Experiential Marketing Unit #1) to support its grassroots direct sales efforts. EMU 1 is the first of several sophisticated mobile marketing platforms Omnicity will be deploying at strategic locations throughout its markets in support of area specific integrated sales and marketing campaigns. Omnicity has developed its marketing model using a "build, buy and partner" foundation and is using EMU 1 to give new subscribers the "Omnicity Experience" at county fairs, festivals, promotional events, partnering events, and new territory launches. "We give our potential customers the opportunity to experience our services in a mobile environment to show our broadband capabilities. They can experience a live demonstration of high speed Internet, voice services (VOIP) and video services in a real time, real life setting that they would otherwise not be able to experience," commented David Weddell, Vice President of Sales and Marketing with Omnicity.

Experiential marketing engages potential customers at large-gathering events with a live demonstration of the Company's products and services. Though the fundamental concepts of experiential marketing are not new, (booths and stands have been around for decades at fairs and racing, and other big events), Omnicity's EMU program is designed to take a sophisticated product demonstration into the field and within its target markets. Omnicity is reaching out to both its new and existing serviceable home and customer bases with the EMU program to further solidify the Omnicity Experience in the rural marketplace. Mr. Weddell added, "The EMU program is specifically tailored to perform as the 'advanced guard' in Omnicity's aggressive march to bring broadband service to the unserved and underserved in all of rural America. Marketing and direct sales programs built around the EMU program are designed to jump-start market penetration and revenue growth with an added degree of precision and control, at a faster pace, and with more robust results than efforts without this added dimension. We are very eager to attack the market with a growing EMU program." With the addition of the ABC Hi Def agreement last week, Omnicity is poised to aggressively grow the subscriber base in their 200+ towers and 27,000 square miles of coverage area.

About Omnicity:

Our vision is to be the first broadband service provider to expand its network across rural America

Omnicity Corp is a public company based in Indiana providing broadband access, including advanced services of voice, video and data, in unserved and underserved small and rural markets and is planning to be the premier consolidator of rural market broadband nationwide. Omnicity's strategy is to provide a total broadband solution and continue rapid growth through acquisitions, organic growth and continue to partner with Rural Electric Membership Co-ops and Rural Telephone Companies. Omnicity has an experienced broadband operations team with extensive wireless broadband/ISP expertise as well as the expertise to consolidate large numbers of businesses through its roll-up strategy.

Forward-looking statements, made pursuant to safe harbor provisions of the PSLR Act of 1995, inherently involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. By making these forward-looking statements, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these statements for changes after the date of this release.

