Personal Satellite Messaging Communicates When All Else Fails

SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger Offers Reliable Low-Cost, Location-based Communications Essential for Emergency Preparedness Safety Kits

MILPITAS, Calif., Aug. 31, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SPOT LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc. (Nasdaq:GSAT), reminds those living in Hurricane zones and other areas prone to natural disaster to equip their emergency preparedness kit with the SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger(tm). SPOT provides reliable, location-based satellite communications when traditional forms of communication such as land-line telephone and cellular services are not available.

Hurricanes and other disastrous weather conditions can wreak havoc on communication and utility infrastructures often leaving residents without power, internet, or traditional terrestrial-based communications. In these circumstances, SPOT remains fully operational because it uses 100% satellite technology, and is battery operated, durable and water-resistant.

The portable, hand-held SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger combines GPS and commercial satellite technology providing coverage far beyond that of cellular phones. SPOT simply transmits the user's latitude and longitude coordinates and status message delivered via email or SMS text to personal contacts. In an emergency, SPOT can notify the GEOS International Emergency Response Center of one's location and need for immediate help.

"SPOT provides essential communication from almost anywhere in the world which is especially important when living in areas susceptible to natural disasters like hurricanes, tornados or earthquakes," said Brian Brawdy, outdoor and urban survival expert who has appeared on CNN, Fox, ABC and Good Morning America to share his expertise in emergency preparedness. "With the simple push of a button, I can let my loved ones in other states know that I'm alive and OK. If I need emergency assistance, I can summon rescue authorities to my location just as easy. The SPOT Messenger offers peace-of-mind in a seven ounce product which is why it's the one piece of safety equipment that I purchased for my Mom to include in her own safety kit."

SPOT features four function keys that transmit messages based on varying levels of need with the push of a button:

 * Check In lets contacts know where you are and that you are okay
 * Ask for Help sends a request for help with your location to friends
   or family or roadside assistance
 * Alert 9-1-1 notifies an emergency response center of your GPS
 * Track Progress sends and saves your location and allows contacts to
   track your progress using Google Maps(tm)

"We are committed to providing reliable satellite communications messaging for our customers when they need it most," said Jake Rembert, Vice President of Sales for SPOT LLC. "SPOT offers life-saving technology and provides users everyday features and services available at a fraction of the cost of other emergency devices."

SPOT works nearly around the world including all of the continental United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Australia, portions of South America, Northern Africa and Northeastern and Southeast Asia, and hundreds or thousands of miles off-shore of these areas.

To learn more about disaster preparedness visit or visit NOAA Weather Service at to learn more about hurricane readiness. A complete biography on Brian Brawdy can be viewed at

Pricing and Availability

SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger is now available through National and regional retailers and through the SPOT web site, The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger is priced under U.S. $170 with annual service fees at U.S. $99.99. Optional features including automatic tracking service and extraction service for countries or regions with non-responsive emergency services can be added at an additional cost.

For more information on how SPOT is helping users live to tell about it(tm) with its SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger device, visit


The SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger, the world's first satellite messenger, uses both the GPS satellite network to determine a customer's location and the SPOT network to transmit that information to friends, family or an emergency service center. SPOT LLC., a subsidiary of Globalstar, Inc. (Nasdaq:GSAT), provides lifesaving communications technology that allows users to communicate from remote locations around the globe.

Thanks to this affordable, cutting-edge personal safety device, the company offers people peace of mind by allowing customers to notify friends and family of their location and status, and to send for emergency assistance in time of need, completely independent of cellular phone or wireless coverage. For more information on how SPOT LLC is helping users live to tell about it (SM) -- from disaster preparedness to outdoor adventure purposes -- visit

Notes to Reporters:

High-resolution photos of SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger are available at To arrange an interview with Brian Brawdy please contact the following media contact.


