THIN - Mandatory notice of trade

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") makes the following notice on behalf of primary insiders of the company who today received subscription rights ("SRs") under Thinfilm's 2009 Subscription Rights Incentive Plan.
The exercise price of the SRs is NOK 1.08 per share. 25 per cent of the SRs vest at each anniversary from the date of the grant. The SRs expire on 6 May 2014.
Morten Opstad, chairman, received 250,000 subscription rights ("SRs"). Mr. Opstad received the SRs in his capacity of providing services to the company beyond the duty of chairing the board of directors. Following the transaction, Mr. Opstad and close associates hold or control 472,803 shares and 325,000 incentive subscription rights and 399,393 warrants to shares in Thinfilm.
Erling Svela, CFO, received 250,000 subscription rights ("SRs"). Following the transaction, Mr. Svela and close associates hold or control zero shares and 270,000 incentive subscription rights to shares in Thinfilm.
Rolf Åberg, CEO, received 1,000,000 subscription rights ("SRs"). Mr. Åberg is also an elected board member, but received the SRs in his capacity of CEO. Following the transaction, Mr. Åberg and close associates hold or control 64,408 shares and 1,150,000 incentive subscription rights and 54,408 warrants to shares in Thinfilm.
22 September 2009
Thin Film Electronics ASA