-- Authentication - Allows for login/logout functionality to be implemented from outside the oDesk site. -- Provider Search - Facilitates the searching of oDesk provider data. -- Provider Profile - Returns detailed profile information about a provider or list of providers. -- Team - Provides multi-directional interaction capabilities with the oDesk Team and its members. -- Work Diary - This method retrieves all screenshots captured from a user account within a single day. -- Get Snapshot - Retrieves one or more snapshots of activity from a user account in a company's team at defined points in time."By opening the oDesk API Center, we're encouraging developers and managers to create custom workspaces that shape existing oDesk tools to fit their specific needs," Swart said. The oDesk API is implemented using a REST web service interface that is available to developers looking to build oDesk functionality and content into custom applications. Aiming to build a cohesive and community-based approach to customizing oDesk tools, the oDesk API shares a common token authentication system that allows seamless access between products and services. Visit the oDesk API Center at: http://developers.odesk.com/ About oDesk Corporation oDesk (www.oDesk.com) is the leading marketplace for online workteams with the best business model for both buyers and providers: For buyers: Guaranteed work -- every hour billed is an hour worked. Screen captures of each provider's desktop taken at random intervals enable buyers to audit the hours and work completed so they have confidence every hour billed by a remote team member is an hour worked. This capability also enables the buyer to collaborate more closely and re-direct the provider if necessary, much like you do when you manage by walking around your office. For providers: Guaranteed payment -- every hour worked is an hour paid, without the hassle of invoicing or slow-paying clients, making oDesk the preferred marketplace for 350,000+ professional contractors including software engineers, web developers, graphic designers, writers, researchers, administrators, and customer service agents. Find oDesk on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/odesk Find oDesk on Twitter at: www.twitter.com/odesk
Contact Information: Contact: Erica Fenik oDesk Corp. 650-853-4152