Better Mousetrap Files

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 13, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The sure-fire way to blaze a trail from unknown stock to household name and core portfolio is to do something no one else is doing and bring unique products to market. In essence, build the proverbial better mousetrap, and build it in an industry deep in revenue.

The investment community didn't seem to realize the potential of making computers more accessible to businesses and consumers. But Microsoft did, and that sent the stock from the land of the unheard of to one of the largest companies in the U.S. More recently, it's fair to argue that no company has been more deeply impacted by the invention of new product than Apple and its iPod. The iPod has revolutionized the way we listen to and purchase music and rocketed an established, once floundering Apple to one of the most beloved stocks on Wall Street.

Finding the next big market gainer is always a risky proposition but it is less difficult to spot stocks that are inventing new products packed with potential and wide appeal. One such novel invention should garner strong attention for Brand Neue Corp. (OTCBB:BRNZ). In the report linked below and the video demonstration, viewers can see what is perhaps the most significant change in beverages since the aluminum can, a paradigm shift in waiting and a better mousetrap idea with endless possibilities called the Gizmo.

The device allows for an infusion into a beverage; of flavor, creamy foam, a supplement even, all from the specialized lid called a Gizmo.

A report focusing on the patented Gizmo, Brand Neue Corp, and of interest to investors of leading beverage companies Hansen Natural Corporation (Nasdaq:HANS), Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO), Pepsico (NYSE:PEP), and Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Inc., (NYSE:DPS) has been published at:

To view a video demonstration and more of Brand Neue's Gizmo visit:

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