In Honor of the Intrepid Men Who Took a Great Leap for Knowledge -- A Glimpse of the Training and Lives of the Seven Astronauts Who Helped Change Science

MELBOURNE, Fla., Nov. 20, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a brilliant tribute to man's landing on the moon, author Craig Downey brings forth the Six Steps to the Moon. He bids readers, especially those interested in science, space, and technology to recall, revere, and adorn the memory of man's humble beginning on a trip -- fraught with unknown hazards -- into the void. This book, enhanced with images, photographs, and illustrations, presents a vibrant history and development of man's great leap and achievement in science.

Six Steps to the Moon follows the journey of seven indomitable men who charged the face of the void and returned with the wisdom that the dragon was slain and gone. With intrepid and full of adroit ardor building in the hearts and minds of man, these seven individuals broke the bonds of gravity and proved that man could thrive in the jaws of darkness.

This book savors the meager beginnings of these daring men and their paltry machines. Readers will get to know these astronauts -- their training, tools, and lives-through Six Steps to the Moon. There's Alan Shepard and his singular ride into uncertainty; "Gus" Grissom who almost lost his life as his spacecraft sank into the ocean depth; John Glenn Jr., who worked out to prepare for the unknown rigors of spaceflight; Scott Carpenter, who overshot his landing area by a quarter nautical miles; "Wally" Schirra, in a textbook flight that he saw as "uneventful;" "Gordo" Cooper, who trained and sweat out a difficult twenty-one orbits; and the Toilers who made the flight of Mercury spaceships possible.

"...see their tools and visit their work places. And finally, visit the Mercury 7 Memorial for a silent salute to those men that gave their lives in pursuit of the dragons of the deep," invites the author.

Six Steps to the Moon is an informative book that educates readers and honors the brave astronauts who took a leap of faith for mankind. For more information on this book, log on to

              Six Steps to the Moon * by Craig A. Downey
                 Publication Date: November 19, 2009
         Picture Book; $101.99; 186 pages; 978-1-4415-6565-5
    Picture Book Hardcover; $111.99; 186 pages; 978-1-4415-6566-2

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