Integrity Media: a Revenue Bellwether

LAS VEGAS, Nov. 30, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aftermarket news Friday from Ideal Financial Solutions, Inc. (Pink Sheets:IFSL) should turn heads among investors of the financial sector scrutinizing the smallest details for indications of the future. Ideal's news that the financial services company has posted better than a 1,000% increase in revenue based on the sale of its debt management software should be enough to garner interest, but the greater news may be in the fact that IFSL's financial program continues to sell robustly amid the signs of a strengthening economy.

It was an interesting juxtaposition of news over the weekend, Ideal's strong revenue increase and the Black Friday retail sales reports, which by most accounts were pretty bullish. One would think that strong retail activity portends an improved economy and certainly asserts a rise in consumer confidence. Yet, Ideal's simultaneous progress and success suggest that fiscal responsibility and improved buying can coexist -- good news for IFSL and its shareholders.

IFSL's fervent belief that the economic malaise opened a door of opportunity for the company's product permanently, that consumers would forever be more responsible and debt-conscience, is perhaps validated by the aforementioned parallel. Ideal sees its service as a financial health food here to stay, not a fad cure-all that comes and goes.

With the country's citizenry seemingly on more solid ground and continual interest in Ideal Financial's products proven by recent revenue reports, it appears that they may be right. A 1,000% increase in revenue over the same period last year certainly gives the impression that the company had the right product for the right time and that the time may simply be the present.

Ideal Financial's news release today can be viewed under the stock symbol "IFSL" or "" across the financial web.

Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, Ideal Financial Solutions ( provides the education, support and automated tools to create additional cash resources, rapidly eliminate all non-asset-building debt, and build financial independence. As a leader in personal cash flow management systems, Ideal uses its automated CashFlow Management(C) tools ( and its Credit to Wealth Systems to assist individuals, families and small businesses in building financial independence.

To view a short video demo of services, go to

A profile featuring Ideal Financial Solutions and of interest to investors of financial service companies Charles Schwab, TD Ameritrade, E-Trade Financial, and Bank of America Corp. is available at

Locate every blog, news, tweet, or message board for any company at financial search engine

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