Report: Breaking New Ground

LAS VEGAS, Dec. 9, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Breaking new ground. It's the stuff of almost any successful investment. Sometimes it's literal as in gold or oil stocks where new finds can fuel profits for investors. Other times it's figurative as companies endeavor with innovation to create realities from the whole cloth of concepts, eager to capture market share. To break new ground a company must indeed have a better idea in a strong market. Our offices are located in Las Vegas so we're well acquainted with the depth and breadth of the trade show market. We watch traffic congest before our eyes and remember the dropped calls as the COMDEX conventioneers overwhelmed the cell phone bands. It's an enormous industry for certain.

So, Metiscan, Inc. (Pink Sheets:MTIZ) subsidiary Taptopia's new offering in the deep waters of trade show services is intriguing and, we hope, portends more good ideas from the diversified Metiscan. But let's keep our eye on the app for a moment as it seems the company has trained their sites on that lucrative niche, announcing this morning that it has now launched its Event Services App at Expo! Expo! 2009, which is, we're told, the trade show of trade shows, where new ideas for events and conventions are showcased. Here, Taptopia can showcase the company's revolutionary iPhone app, a technology that enables attendees and exhibitors the ability to navigate event schedule details, exhibitor information and the exhibit floor before, during and after the event, all from Apple iPhones(R) and iPod touches(R).

This is the perfect assemblage of prospects for Metiscan and Taptopia and this debut is critical. We'll look forward to hearing more of what occurred at this event. But more than anything we like new ideas in the app market. With over 100,000 apps in the App Store already, ideas need to stand out and have a ready market. This trade show app appears to have promise. Factor in that we're suspicious that Apple could soon take the iPhone off an exclusive with AT&T which would then result in even wider use of the iPhone and Taptopia could be getting its hooks into a growing market (trade show app sales) within an overall exploding market (iPhone users).

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A profile featuring Tatopia's parent company Metiscan, Inc. (Pink Sheets:MTIZ) is available at

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