A Land Grab in Local Advertising

LAS VEGAS, Dec. 18, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On the corporate home page of Elysium Internet, Inc. (Pink Sheets:EYSM) there is a bold mantra, "Investments today. Returns tomorrow." And while that declaration sounds a bit like a stockbroker's pitch it is instead the company's dynamic business model.

Elysium is aggressively acquiring domain names in its wheelhouse of patient lead generation for physicians, grabbing top handles like, or yesterday's announcement of The company recognizes that Internet search is increasingly becoming the consumers' path to purchase and that to secure top-line real estate that marries provider and patient is critical. To do so now, when the markets are slowly recovering and a brighter future may lay around the corner could be most rewarding.

And it's working. is already organically ranked on the all-important first page of all major search engines while enjoying the type-in traffic that a premium domain often receives. With local advertising via the Internet a rapidly growing market this is a substantial accomplishment.

By aggregating the aforementioned domain names (and others) Elysium is making a land grab of highly desirable ocean front property if you will, staking its claim deep into the Internet. Steve Forbes was quoted as saying, "Internet traffic and domains are the prime real estate of the 21st century. This market has matured, and individuals, brands, investors and organizations who do not grasp their importance or value are missing out on numerous levels."

With an efficient site that allows the surfer/buyer/patient to look for exactly what they need, Elysium can monetize highly specific traffic in an effective manner. It also warrants mention that Elysium is pursuing top domains in the growing category of health care where the biomass of aging boomers are expected to swell the industry. That bodes well.

And in January, Elysium has stated that it will roll-out a much anticipated new patient acquisition program to enhance the monetization of its promising portfolio of Internet real estate.

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