Long Island City High School Students Raise Funds for Youth in Darfur, Sudan

NEW YORK, Dec. 22, 2009 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Over 300 Long Island City High School students packed their school's auditorium last week to support Talent for Darfur, an awareness raising talent show organized by students in the Global Kids youth development program. The Global Kids Leaders raised over $900 to support the education of war-affected youth in Darfur, Sudan, where genocide has led to the killing of over 300,000 people and displacement of 2.5 million from their homes since 2003. Audience members enjoyed acts ranging from a traditional Indian dance to an impersonation of Lady Gaga while learning about the situation in Darfur and how to take action.

The talent show was one of many activities organized by 30 Global Kids students on Darfur, including a protest vigil in Union Square, which drew attention to violence against women displaced by the ongoing conflict. Armed with the slogan "We are breaking the silence", they asked passersby to sign a letter to their Senators urging them to support a specific policy aimed at protecting and providing women with vital health services in the region.

In addition to educating their peers and raising money for grassroots projects and schools in Darfur, students feel the need to effect change in U.S. policies towards Sudan, Africa's largest country, so that the youth they are supporting can look towards a brighter and more peaceful future. They first became aware of the genocide in Darfur after one of their Global Kids Educators, a Sudanese national, returned from a summer documenting life in Darfur's displacement camps and the work Darfurians themselves were doing to overcome the hardships they face. Inspired by the footage and stories, students decided to launch their own anti-genocide campaign in direct support of young people their age in Darfur, Sudan. The experience thus far has made many more appreciative of their own education and more determined to make the most of the future that lies ahead of them.

Global Kids, Inc. conducts a range of comprehensive youth development and global education programs at Long Island City High School, both during the school day and after school, which engage students in hands-on projects, academic skill-building, and leadership opportunities. The youth will continue to work on Darfur throughout the school year, as well as other issues such as poverty, hunger, homelessness, and food justice.

Global Kids, Inc. -- www.globalkids.org

Founded in 1989, Global Kids' mission is to educate and inspire urban youth to become successful students, global citizens and community leaders by engaging them in academically rigorous, content-rich learning experiences. We educate youth about critical international and domestic issues and promote their engagement in civic life and the democratic process. Through our Online Leadership Program we provide teens with opportunities to address community needs, raise awareness about global issues, and develop 21st-century skills through the use of new media.

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