Sunwall Gives Great Depression a Human Face -- Literary Anthology Captures Emotions of Historical Period Through Struggling Family

GAINESVILLE, Fla., Jan. 6, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dodge County Fair is James Sunwall's brilliant portrayal of the emotions, conflicts, and reflections on the Great Depression as seen through the experiences of one family. Comprising a play and a collection of short fiction, this book published through Xlibris captures the unforgettable hardships of the times.

Dodge County Fair is set in a Midwestern village during the 1930s and centers on a family of Norwegian descent. The youngest, son, Joey, dreams of going to the county fair. Daydreaming of the excitement, fun, displays and food, he temporarily escapes the poverty and sadness of everyday life. When a stranger claiming to be a long-lost relative appears at the door one day, the life of the family changes forever.

Sunwall's Dodge County Fair brilliantly captures the details and emotions of the Great Depression and gives it a human face. This release also includes fifteen short stories that focus on the characters in the play and moves through the timeline of the twentieth century. For more information on this book, readers can log on to

About the Author

James Sunwall was born in 1922 in Hayfield, Minnesota. He served in the Army in the Pacific during WWII. Afterward he received degrees from the Universities of Minnesota, Yale, and Iowa where he was a member of the Writers Workshop. He wrote and taught the writing of fiction, poetry, and drama for thirty years at the University of Florida where he is an emeritus professor.

                DODGE COUNTY FAIR * by James Sunwall
                  A Play and Selected Short Fiction
                Publication Date: January 31, 2006
        Trade Paperback; $17.84; 179 pages; 978-1-5992-6662-6
        Trade Hardback; $27.89; 179 pages; 978-1-5992-6663-3

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