The Powder Keg

LAS VEGAS, Jan. 11, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- For many small and microcap investors, young companies present an enthralling opportunity to invest early and pursue a potential exponential return on investment. Past successes fuel future interest and the desire to find value again in the volatile offerings of the smaller exchanges.

What generally captures the attention of this breed of trader is the new glittering business plan -- the better mousetrap idea with a stock symbol. For followers of one small company, KCM Holdings Corp. (Pink Sheets:KCMH), there are more than a few better mousetraps in the equity's highly diversified business model.

KCM Holdings Corp. is an incubator with a twist, an aggregator of new ideas with a different strategy for launching them. The result for investors is a powder keg, one that they hope will be ignited by the success of these individual elements for the benefit of the equity and its shareholders. And the elements are indeed intriguing.

Chief among KCM's holdings is Geenius Inc., a 'knowledge transfer technology' that has been independently proven to increase long term retention up to 90% and human performance by 100-800%.

Additionally, the company has recently acquired Empire Records which will be headed by industry veteran Kevin Alexander, who brings over 15 years of music experience working with some of the biggest acts in the industry.

The list goes on. Among other incubated companies are CT Dental Group, a global members-only portal that singularly leverages and builds on emerging and evolving globalization and internet trends affecting nearly every industry, including the areas of online product and service purchasing, social networking, online training and e-learning, and best practice communications. Then there's WebTraffic Law, the web's only discount traffic-related legal solutions provider spanning the continent.

It's an eclectic blend for sure and time will tell if the companies can fulfill the promise expected by KCM. If it does someday, shareholders may be pleased to have held a piece of a diversified powder keg.

For a KCMH company snapshot:

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