Android Mobile Application Platform for Secure Business Now Available

Companies Can Efficiently Reach Customers on Android-Powered Smartphones With WorkLight

NEW YORK, Feb. 16, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Businesses looking to serve customers on the popular Android devices can now develop and run mobile applications using the WorkLight Solution – a development and production platform for enterprise-class applications.

"Android adoption is clearly on the rise, as consumers flock to new smartphone devices for a richer user experience and broader capabilities," said Red Gillen, senior analyst at research and consulting firm Celent. "Companies are now looking to address this emerging opportunity for business gain, but it is imperative that they provide the requisite security and performance that customers expect."

The WorkLight Solution for Android ensures security in non-protected environments so transactions and actionable personalized data can be accessed via an application. For example, a bank can offer customers an application to manage their personal finances or an online travel site can deliver real-time updates to Android users, including push notifications on travel schedule changes and optional marketing offers.

"Delivering highly engaging applications to reach customers and extend existing services via mobile devices can be a challenging and costly effort for most businesses," said WorkLight CEO, Shahar Kaminitz. "Our software solution provides the ability to quickly and easily develop powerful applications that customers seek, while providing the performance and integration that companies demand."

The WorkLight Solution requires only HTML, CSS and JavaScript programming to create rich and robust applications than can drive new business, enhance customer experience, lead to improved customer retention and ensure competitiveness.

WorkLight Solution for Android features include:

  • Efficient Development – Easily and powerfully create Android applications leveraging WorkLight's development tool, IDE plug-in and SDK. 
  • Built-in Security – Utilize critical security mechanisms, safeguards and best practices.
  • Integration Adapters – Rapidly connect with enterprise systems, data sources and infrastructure.
  • Production Scalability – Confidently run and support applications that can service up to millions of users.
  • Android Hardware and UI Support – Access the toolbar, alerts, location, dialer and camera services.
  • One-Click Publication – Launch applications quickly in the Android Market with a single click.

The WorkLight solution supports all Android OS and SDK versions starting with version 1.5, covering a wide range of devices from leading vendors.

This latest offering complements WorkLight's other solutions, which support a wide range of mobile, desktop and web channels including the iPhone, Windows desktop, the Mac, iGoogle, Facebook and more.

Pricing and Availability

The WorkLight Solution for Android is available immediately. Pricing starts at $4 per end-user per year.

About WorkLight

WorkLight is the worldwide leader in enterprise-class widgets for mobile, desktops and web. The WorkLight software-based solution provides the highest levels of security, scalability and integration. Using WorkLight, businesses efficiently create and syndicate widgets to multiple channels such as the iPhone, iGoogle, Facebook and Windows Desktop to better reach and engage their customers, partners and employees. Headquartered in New York, WorkLight was recently named a "Cool Vendor in Web Technology" by Gartner. For more, visit


