China Technology Stock Alert for Yucheng Technologies Ltd. Issued by Beacon Equity

DALLAS, March 18, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- announces an investment report featuring business software and services company Yucheng Technologies Ltd. (Nasdaq:YTEC). The report includes financial, comparative and investment analyses, and industry information you need to know to make an educated investment decision.

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Yucheng Technologies Ltd. (YTEC) engages in the business of providing information technologies services to the Chinese state-owned banking industry. The Company operates through subsidiaries and representative offices in 23 cities within the People's Republic of China, providing Web banking and call centers; foreign exchange and treasury management; as well as risk analytics and business intelligence to banks.

In the report, the analyst notes:

"The Company operates within the banking system as a third-party information technologies (IT) contractor. As the banking system grows, prospects of the Company expand along with this growth. Independent of the overall growth rate in China's banking system is the expected increase in the level of IT spending within the Chinese banking sector, which is approximately only 0.1% of bank assets, while IT spending as a percentage of assets of U.S. banks is 0.4%.

"The spending gap in IT between U.S. and China banks is expected to close dramatically during this decade, with bumps in the road from time to time due to risks associated with rapid gross domestic product (GDP) growth in China. Following two decades of a double-digit average GDP growth rate, China's economy is expected to slow to mid to low single-digit rates of growth in 2010 as the central bank opts to slow monetary and consumer price inflation."

To read the entire report visit:

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