THIN - Warrants exercise

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") issued Warrants to the subscribers of new shares in the rights issue completed in the second quarter 2009. The Warrants were exercisable in the period 6-31 May 2010.

Thinfilm has received notice of exercise of 93,193,875 Warrants. The payment deadline is 10 June 2010.

Following completion of the Warrants exercise, Thinfilm's share capital will amount to NOK 26,301,553.19, representing 239,105,029 shares at NOK 0.11 par value per share. 16,491,670 Warrants remain outstanding. These Warrants are exerciseable in the period 1 September-6 November 2010.

1 June 2010
Thin Film Electronics ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)