Fresh Healthy Vending Applauds Senate's Move to Change Fare in School Vending Machines in Favor of Fresh, Healthy Options

WASHINGTON, Aug. 10, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In a landmark decision, the Senate has unanimously approved a bill to increase the funding available to provide better nutrition for 50 million students in America's public schools. The decision marks the first time in 30 years that schools have seen an increase in funding to support nutrition. The bill is sponsored by Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-Arkansas), and is heavily supported by First Lady Michelle Obama.

The initiative will improve nutrition in schools nationwide, and it doesn't stop in the lunch room. A portion of the law establishes healthier standards for all foods offered in schools including those in vending machines, which were previously unregulated and were an avenue of entry for junk food. Michael Jacobson of the advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest said: "The Senate bill changes the school food landscape in ways that are all positive. Put simply, it will get junk food out of, and put more healthy food into, America's schools." This may be a hurdle for food companies that have been using these machines as an access point to school children for decades.

One company that isn't worried about the change is Fresh Healthy Vending, Inc. In fact, the company is welcoming the change. The reason for that has to do with Fresh Vending's business model: offering an alternative to the usual low quality snacks in the form of healthy organic and natural foods and drinks sold in vending machines. The company seems be tailor-made to fit the needs of schools under the new law, but according to Fresh Healthy Vending C.E.O. Jolly Backer, that is simply because it is an idea whose time has come.

"The natural foods market has really been flourishing. It's time to take the next step and make healthy natural options available everywhere, especially in school vending machines...There are companies right now that are afraid of this law. We're not: we welcome it because it's the right thing to do," he said.

According to Backer, the phones have been ringing with calls from franchise owners excited about the news, and from owners of traditional machines interested in switching to Fresh Healthy Vending Machines.

"This concept of offering healthy natural foods in vending machines isn't going to be the exception; it's going to be the rule. One reason our model is so suitable for the changes [under the new law] is that we have developed 'Product Menus' that meet or exceed every States nutritional guidelines - these menus have been tested by kids for taste, and they are affordable brand name products. But it's not just schools that have shown interest, we're talking to employers too," he said.

First Lady Michelle Obama would seem to agree with the sentiment. She has been an outspoken critic of junk-food vending machines in schools.

"There is no reason why we can't have water [and] healthy juice drinks in vending machines, granola bars, trail mix..." she said.

About Fresh Healthy Vending:

Fresh Healthy Vending is the leading healthy vending company in the U.S. and the only vending company that offers 100% juices, fresh vegetables and fruits, smoothies, and yogurts in every one of its vending machines. Under the leadership of CEO Jolly S. Backer, Fresh Healthy Vending is positioned for growth and continued success in the healthy vending machine market.

The Fresh Healthy Vending logo is available at

