SmartLink Internet Services' New Products Help Companies Harness the Power of the Internet

WEST PALM BEACH, FL--(Marketwire - August 16, 2010) -  As many as 80% of buying decisions begin with searches on the Web. Consumers are using search engines, online business directories and consumer websites to find businesses. That's why it is so important to have a Web presence that is easily found and appears at the top of search engines.

SmartLink's recent expansion has made great strides to help companies become more aggressive in their Internet marketing to attract customers. Gone are the days when a website simply goes online and customers flock to the door. The new reality is more complex. It takes a professional organization such as SmartLink to properly navigate the ever-changing world of Internet marketing so that their clients can rise to the top of the search engine results pages to get noticed by Web searchers and make sales.

To accomplish this, SmartLink is offering the following services to companies ready to take the leap into better online marketing:
SmartSocial: Creating and managing a company's presence in social networks to connect with people and promote the brand.
SmartSEO: Optimizes websites to boost the company to the top of search engine results.
Associated Professionals: Helps searchers find professional groups by searching for single practitioners who are part of a larger organization.
SmartList Reporting: Searches the accuracy of a company's search engine/directory presence, generates a report and corrects wrong or missing information.
SmartPR: Establishes a stronger Web presence and builds back-links through a program of news releases.
Smart Remarketing: Turns window shoppers into customers by directing a company's relevant ads wherever that searcher goes back on the Web.

"SmartLink delivers amazing results by helping companies harness the power of the Internet," says Terry Murphy, president of SmartLink Internet Strategies.

For more information about SmartLink's Internet marketing strategies, visit

Contact Information:

Media Contact:
Terry Murphy
P: 561.688.8155