THIN - Mandatory notice of trades in private placement 1 October 2010

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") issues this notice on behalf of certain primary insiders.

Employees and board members were invited to participate in the private placement on 1 October 2010. The allocation took place on 2 October 2010. At this stage, only the shares were allocated. The board has resolved to propose also an allocation of two warrants for each share subscribed to and issued, but the allocation of any warrants will only take place after the general meeting have approved the issue of such warrants. Hence, at this time, only the allocations of share subscriptions are disclosed.

A company controlled by Morten Opstad, chairman of the board of directors of Thinfilm, was allocated 120,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Opstad and close associates will hold or control 1,102,496 shares, nil warrants and 325,000 incentive subscription rights in Thinfilm.

Catarina Göthe, board member in Thinfilm, was allocated 30,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Ms. Göthe and close associates will hold or control 89,400 shares and no rights to shares in Thinfilm.

Margareta Josefsson, board member in Thinfilm, was allocated 50,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Ms. Josefsson and close associates will hold or control 50,000 shares and no rights to shares in Thinfilm.

William R. Salaneck, board member in Thinfilm, was allocated 30,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Salaneck and close associates will hold or control 89,400 shares and no rights to shares in Thinfilm.

Rolf Åberg, board member in Thinfilm, was allocated 10,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Åberg and close associates will hold or control 188,216 shares, nil warrants and 1,150,000 incentive subscription rights in Thinfilm.

Davor Sutija, CEO of Thinfilm, was allocated 120,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Sutija and close associates will hold or control 1,120,000 shares, nil warrants and 3,500,000 incentive subscription rights in Thinfilm.

Geir Harald Aase, VP of Communications and IR in Thinfilm, was allocated 120,000 shares for a subscription price of NOK 0.80 per share. Following the issue of the shares, Mr. Aase and close associates will hold or control 125,000 shares, nil warrants and 800,000 incentive subscription rights in Thinfilm.

2 October 2010

Thin Film Electronics ASA 

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements acc. to §5-12 vphl (Norwegian Securities Trading Act)