Dean Evans & Associates Completes First Facilities and Services Benchmark Survey of Its Kind

Free Executive Summary Highlights Stats and Trends

DENVER, CO--(Marketwire - October 26, 2010) - Dean Evans & Associates, Inc. (, maker of the EMS line of facility and resource scheduling software, has completed an ambitious benchmarking survey initiative that will provide participants with valuable metrics on their meeting and event management operations.

More than 150 customers filled out the inaugural Facilities and Services Benchmark Survey, which is believed to be the first cross-industry survey of its kind, as it provides comparison data both within the participant's industry and across the many industries that DEA serves. While detailed results will only be sent to participants, an Executive Summary is available to the public.

"We deeply appreciate the eagerness participants showed and the time they invested in answering the benchmark survey questions. As a result, we're able to offer important data to our current and future customers," said Kevin Raasch, vice president of Dean Evans & Associates. "Each participant can use their customized survey report as a yardstick to measure their performance and identify areas for improvement."

The survey compared individual organizations' key metrics, such as bookings-to-scheduling staff ratios, overall space utilization and service order numbers with their industry standards as well as with responses across all industries, generating powerful insights into facility scheduling best practices.

"Individual measurements such as number of bookings per year, number of staff members by job function and average hours of operation per day can be very helpful in and of themselves," said Raasch. "But combining two or more of those numbers to get stats like the number of hours per day that your scheduling staff spends making reservations or the average number of service orders that each of your catering staff members is involved in each day can be very enlightening -- especially when compared to other organizations in your industry."

The survey also asked a number of subjective questions including some designed to identify trends. Event volume expectations, desired software integrations and anticipated shifts in technology were among them.

The 2011 Facilities and Services Benchmark Survey will be sent to customers and selected prospective customers next spring. To request a free copy of the Executive Summary from this year's survey, please visit and click Benchmark Survey Summary under Quick Links.

Contact Information:

Media Contacts:

Jennifer O'Connell
DEA Communications Coordinator
(303) 740-4838