Natural Menopause Remedies and Looking for the First Signs of Menopause, by Dr. Shoreh Ershadi

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif., Dec. 20, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Shoreh Ershadi, director of the ANTIAGING Institute of California, has worked with many women who are either going through menopause or about to start. For different women, the symptoms of menopause may vary, but one of the first signs of menopause is a change in a woman's menstrual cycle. The hormones are imbalanced, and the menstrual cycle is one of the first things to reflect this fluctuation.

Other signs of menopause may include profuse sweating, especially during the night, hot flashes, and a tendency to put on weight that will show in the hip and abdominal area. Vaginal dryness may also occur during this time. These symptoms, and others, will prompt women to seek a menopause treatment to help with their uncomfortable feelings.

For women experiencing menopause symptoms, Dr. Ershadi recommends natural menopause remedies. Natural products can be very effective in helping to control and alleviate annoying and disturbing feelings. These products are safe to take with no side effects. When using a natural menopause treatment, if it is taken on a regular basis, it will do a good job of helping women to feel more like themselves. These products can be purchased over-the-counter and are very easy to obtain.

Menopausal women should try natural menopause cures when experiencing the gamut of symptoms that this time in a woman's life can bring. Menopause is a normal process that every woman goes through, but sometimes it feels anything but normal. Dr. Ershadi does not want to see women enduring frustrating symptoms when natural menopause relief is available. She believes that if women find the correct natural product that works for them, they will be able to handle their bodily changes much more easily.

Help can be obtained through natural menopause supplements that are taken every day. If a woman sticks to a regular schedule with her supplements, she should find the much needed relief. Dr. Ershadi advises women not to give in to their symptoms, as there are natural menopause solutions available.

For more information about the first signs of menopause and DON'T PAUSE, the natural menopause treatment product developed by Dr. Ershadi, visit her website or call ANTIAGING Institute of California at (800) 511 0108.

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