Thinfilm launches demo game powered by printed memories

Thinfilm's unique printed electronic memories enable interactive games and card-based online monetization.

Oslo - 10 February, 2011: Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") will demonstrate the OBA reference game at the Engage expo in New York February 15. Thinfilm's interactive memory technology enables innovative toys and games.

Monetize online experiences
"Thinfilm Memory makes it possible to monetize online experiences in playground-ready interactive games," says Davor Sutija, Thinfilm CEO, and explains that the low cost printed memory allows saving of status, scores, and avatar personalities.

In the OBA reference game you evolve the Oba inhabitants and mature their capabilities and powers through the game levels. The goal is to save the dying Oba Solar Systems. Cards with Thinfilm Memory(TM) store your game status. The OBA game includes a handheld game console that accesses the Thinfilm Memory cards and plays the game.

Bridges the gap
"Our technology bridges the gap," continues Sutija. "As children move from classic toys and collectable card games to electronic and online platforms at younger ages, there is a need to join these two worlds to help children continue to enjoy playground-ready toys and games.

Technology demonstrator
"OBA is a demo game that demonstrates the easy use of Thinfilm memories," says Sutija, and mentions that many types of games can be made interactive with Thinfilm Memory, including all types of building games, fantasy character role playing, transactional games such as food markets, shopping sprees, and clothing assembly games. 

"By adding an electronic component to a collectable set of icons, figures, or cards, the possibility to maintain the child's interest grows, and the opportunity to extend the game to new worlds and new characters becomes natural. The game becomes a stepping-stone to the more abstract world of online games," says Sutija.

The OBA technology demonstrator can be obtained online at Here you will also find more information on the game itself and Thinfilm Memory.

For further information, please contact:
Geir Harald Aase, VP Communications: +47 480 37 571/geir.aase(a)

About Thinfilm
Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") is a publicly-listed Norwegian technology company with its head office in Oslo and product development in Linköping, Sweden. Thinfilm is a pioneer in the field of Printed Electronics, and provides fully-printed non-volatile, rewritable memory for applications in toys & games, logistics, sensor, and ID systems.

Thinfilm's offering for advanced interactive toys and games:

  • Thinfilm Memory(TM) printed in a high-volume roll-to-roll process and the Thinfilm Memory Controller(TM), an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC)
  • Thinfilm Toy Development Kit which includes the tools needed to efficiently design smart toys and game
  • OBA reference game that demonstrates Thinfilm's memory technology


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