THIN - Mandatory notice of trade

Thin Film Electronics ASA ("Thinfilm") issues this notice on behalf of Thinfilm's chairman of the board, Morten Opstad, who is a primary insider.

Following the annual general meeting of Thinfilm on 10 May 2011, the chairman, Morten Opstad, elected to receive a part of the board remuneration in in shares. This means that Morten Opstad will acquire 60,000 shares at a subscription price of NOK 0.11 per share in lieu of a board remuneration of NOK 88,819.

Following this transaction, Mr. Opstad and close associates will hold or control 1,162,496 shares, nil (0) warrants and 325,000 incentive subscription rights.  

11 May 2011
Thin Film Electronics ASA

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.