Financial Finesse Selects Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards' Consumer Advocate Eleanor Blayney, CFP(R) as Guest Blogger

Blayney Will be a Frequent Contributor, Writing About Timely Consumer Financial Literacy Issues With a Focus on Helping Americans Navigate a Difficult Economy

EL SEGUNDO, Calif., Sept. 13, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Financial Finesse, the nation's leading provider of unbiased workplace financial education programs in the U.S., announced today it has selected Eleanor Blayney, CFP®, Consumer Advocate for the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, as its newest regular guest contributor to its daily blog.

"As a leader in the movement toward making transparent financial planning available to all Americans, Eleanor will continue to help people understand complex financial issues through her writing and advocacy efforts," said Financial Finesse Chief Executive Officer and Founder Liz Davidson.

The company chose Blayney after considering hundreds of financial experts over a six-month search for bloggers that fit its high quality standards and mission. She joins fellow industry experts Davidson and Rick Meigs, Founder of, a premier online resource of 401(k) and 403(b) information as well as news for plan sponsors and retirement professionals.

Blayney's background includes more than 20 years in the financial planning industry as a strong advocate for consumer financial literacy and awareness. She has also had a major role in pushing for reform of the financial planning industry through better care with clients' objectives and is recognized as a pioneer in creating the Financial Planning Standards recognized by the CFP Board's 63,000-plus professionals.

As a published author and consultant focused on helping advisors better serve their female clients, Blayney is also widely recognized as one of the nation's foremost experts on the unique financial challenges facing women; challenges such as longer life spans and, in many cases, less income from Social Security due to time out of the workforce raising children.

"Our Consumer Advocate program's goal is to empower consumers through awareness of critical financial planning issues and the importance of taking charge of their finances through all stages of their life," said CFP Board's Chief Executive Officer Kevin Keller, CAE. "Financial Finesse has a similar mission in providing unbiased workplace financial education through on-staff CFP® professionals. We felt this was the perfect channel to share Eleanor's insights and help consumers grow their financial knowledge."

Davidson says the company sees Blayney's addition to the blog as further opportunity to reach Americans with sound unbiased financial information and confirms that Financial Finesse's 'open resource' policy will also apply to Eleanor's blog posts so that the media can syndicate or quote Blayney's blogs as a resource for stories and research on emerging financial trends.

She also notes that Financial Finesse places no limit on corporate employers using the blog posts to educate their employees, whether or not they are clients of the firm, and encourages anyone who is seeking guidance from Certified Financial Planner™ professionals on improving their finances to turn to the blog as a free resource to get started.

Like Blayney, Davidson stresses the importance of taking control of your finances in this difficult economy.

"You can't control the market, the economy, or what your employer decides to do with your benefits," said Davidson, "but you can control how you educate yourself about finances, how much you save, and how you invest and protect your savings. It is still possible to build wealth in this economy; it just requires more time, attention, and commitment. Our goal is to provide the resources to help."

Financial Finesse's blog is the nation's only daily blog written exclusively by CFP® professionals employed as full-time workplace financial educators. The firm employs only the top 2 percent of CFP® professionals who apply, putting each through a vigorous seven-step hiring process, with further selection required in order to become a regular blog contributor.

The blog is regularly syndicated among financial and human resources media publications as a trusted resource for unbiased financial planning information, and has recently been integrated into Financial Finesse's patent pending online Financial Learning Center, which the company's corporate clients make available to their employees as an additional employee benefit.

Financial Finesse is an unbiased financial education company providing personalized and innovative financial education and counseling programs to over 500,000 employees at over 400 organizations. Financial Finesse partners with organizations to reach goals such as reducing fiduciary liability, increasing plan participation, decreasing stress, and increasing productivity through its unique approach to financial education. Financial Finesse does not sell products nor manage assets. For more information, visit

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wkr0001.pdf Press Release Announcing Financial Finesse's selection of Eleanor Blayney, CFP Consumer Advocate as regular guest blog writer.
[Image] Eleanor Blayney, CFP Consumer Advocate

