Bullying Book Offers Real Solutions That Work

A Blueprint for STOPPING the Bully in Our Classrooms, Communities, and Online

New York, Sept. 15, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Vivisphere Publishing announces the release of a new book: "http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jlzem6fab&et=1107254813305&s=0&e=001mk_p48uOJZh6ioQrxMbroB2l31-mNoIPwhGiOpTsR4AAPaRGIrJ4KMRtb64RUKqV9CZrnrvtE-dXhiXwKQv_DiepkKiT4J5jPaNHEfXQJ7fFs2McH_6IRg==">When Your Child is Being Bullied: Real Solutions for Parents, Educators and Other Professionals."  This timely title, co-authored by J.E. DiMarco and M.K. Newman, is a step-by-step guide offering real solutions and tools to stop the torment of bullying for individual children in acute cases as well as full school-wide programs designed to prevent, identify and remediate bullying.  

The current statistics on bullying are startling and unsettling:

  • Every 7 minutes a child is bullied
  • 85 percent of the time, there is no intervention of any kind
  • Bullying is the #1 reason for suicide between the ages of 11 and 16
  • 60 percent of seasoned middle school bullies are indicted or charged with a crime by the time they reach 24 years old 

This book  provides specific details on how to define, identify, and stop bullying, as well as caring for your bullied child and your family. Authors DiMarco and Newman dispel commonly held myths about bullying that include ignoring the bully; conflict resolution (bringing the bullied and the bully together to hash things out); and handing out school suspensions/ detentions.  They offer proven strategies  for moving in swiftly and comprehensively to rehabilitate the bully with a plan of "teaching consequences" designed to compel bullies to be introspective, understanding, and to cease their bullying.  Similarly, their recommendations truly protect victims. 

According to John Halligan, internationally respected anti-bullying speaker/advocate and parent, "Currently, there are not any manuals on how to stop your child's torment at the hands of a bully and get back to happiness.  This book will walk you through how to solve your child's issue in an easy to understand and practical way."   

"When Your Child is Being Bullied: Real Solutions for Parents, Educators and Other Professionals" is a no-nonsense resource that summarizes each chapter with workable solutions. The final chapter provides a detailed plan on how to navigate community politics and implement anti-bullying policies and protocols as well as collaborating and partnering within school districts.

For every parent, educator, administrator, guidance counselor or concerned adult looking for answers, this book is an invaluable reference tool conceived to combat the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness that define the life of the bullied.   There is hope, and there is help. Bullying can be stopped.

The book is available for $17.99 through major distributors, http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jlzem6fab&et=1107254813305&s=0&e=001mk_p48uOJZh6ioQrxMbroB2l31-mNoIPwhGiOpTsR4AAPaRGIrJ4KMRtb64RUKqV9CZrnrvtE-eC4q8VHADMA7ADcyK_wR-LamMn1T9V-60=">Vivisphere Publishing, and http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jlzem6fab&et=1107254813305&s=0&e=001mk_p48uOJZh6ioQrxMbroB2l31-mNoIPwhGiOpTsR4AAPaRGIrJ4KMRtb64RUKqVH12exd90bDM4terEzn7Jw8onCqmDXSYX1CEynUH_AVgneHxK8XkfAqtaVScvaMkIQ5JcnJi87wyLq8i_lj5FEW4xCZGLOs4xTjUh4qjzcOPwDNNMCIFHxFGYyV6a5nPNHqd5eQLfkNcLHHXZYTN9ehPKKXLvLugVwBleDPNi9zw6PsZRpZE0vUvV2sEZCBvhbNT6WZzsfsY1ZAbsUGf37TsW7hgb3E68lqp-8B2wSmr-WCw-V6H1bH4exWkXPc2UPk_LtYGPrFG40c1Z8HNXKCNqpakGan0htE4nuMiiqEMGuOxvhwHN1XZtZRAq8y3k">bookhitch. The title can also be purchasedhttp://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=jlzem6fab&et=1107254813305&s=0&e=001mk_p48uOJZh6ioQrxMbroB2l31-mNoIPwhGiOpTsR4AAPaRGIrJ4KMRtb64RUKqVJ7z0PLmauSzvaxpyl0ufx5qTm4qNL5idiDyBHV2iqE4="> www.solutionsforbullying.com.

A photo accompanying this release is available at:

Book Cover
