Oncology Journal to Publish RECAF(TM) Test Results Showing Very High Sensitivity in Detection of Early Stages of Breast Cancer

The RECAF(TM) Cancer Blood Test is a BioCurex Patented Technology

RICHMOND, British Columbia, Oct. 4, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioCurex Inc. (OTCBB:BOCX) today announced that its article entitled: "Increased AFP-Receptor (RECAF™) Values in the Serum of Patients With Early Stages of Breast Cancer" has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed medical journal.

Following customary publishing etiquette, the names of the authors and the journal will be announced at the time of the publication.

The authorship includes an independent opinion leader who has published over 100 papers on cancer markers. The study included over 700 samples at different stages of cancer. The discriminatory power of the RECAFTM Test on blinded samples from early cancer stages (I & II) was twice as good as the performance of CEA or CA15.3, the two most commonly used markers for breast cancer diagnosis.

The survival of breast cancer patients diagnosed in early stages is 75-90%, dropping to 45% in Stage III and less than 15% in Stage IV.

Dr. Moro, CEO of BioCurex, Inc., stated: "We are very pleased with the positive responses we are receiving on the manuscripts we have submitted and I am particularly proud for the accolades we are eliciting. The Editor of this particular journal qualified it as 'outstanding' and the ovarian cancer detection paper we published recently (http://biocurex.com/news/news129.htm) was judged by the reviewers as 'compelling' and 'impressive'. It is indicative that we are on the right track and that we have something of significant medical value."

Breast cancer is one of the few malignancies that is screened. The screening is done with periodic mammograms, which is radiography of the breast. When a suspicious lesion shows up in an X-ray, a biopsy is taken. 75% of breast biopsies are negative and unnecessary, corresponding to benign lesions commonly known as "fibromas". In the study to be published, the rate of false positives was only 15% and therefore, using RECAFTM in cases with a suspicious mammography is likely to reduce the number of unnecessary biopsies, along the lines of what the Company recently announced regarding prostate cancer (http://biocurex.com/news/news133.htm).

It is estimated that 48 million mammograms are performed each year in the United States alone.

About BioCurex, Inc.

BioCurex, Inc. is a biotechnology company that is developing products based on patented and proprietary technology in the area of cancer diagnostics. The technology identifies a universal cancer marker known as RECAF.

RECAF is a molecule that is present on cancer cells but not detected in significant levels on healthy cells or benign tumor cells. It is the receptor for alpha-fetoprotein and is classified as an oncofetal antigen due to its presence on both fetal and malignant tissues. This characteristic makes RECAF a more accurate indicator of cancer than most current tumor markers.  

BioCurex is commercializing its technology through licensing arrangements with companies that develop and market diagnostic tests for the large automated clinical laboratory setting, through development and marketing of non-automated clinical laboratory tests, through development of rapid, point-of-care test formats, and through marketing of its OncoPet RECAF test for cancer in companion animals.

BioCurex has signed licensing agreements for its cancer detection blood tests with Abbott Laboratories (NYSE:ABT) and with Alere (NYSE:ALR), formerly Inverness Medical Innovations.

For further information on these agreements visit: http://sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1092562/000100487808000117/sb2amnd4s1april08.txt.

For more information about the Company, please visit www.BioCurex.com.

For more information about OncoPet Diagnostics Inc., please visit: www.OncoPetDiagnostics.com.

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