Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care Announces First in Canada Sustainable Health Care Workshop

TORONTO, Oct. 11, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (CCGHC) is proud to announce a partnership with Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies (JJMC), a division of Johnson & Johnson Inc., to present a first in Canada – a one day Sustainable Health Care Training Workshop.

The Canadian Sustainable Health Care Training Workshop Program is designed for health care organizations and suppliers that embrace sustainability and demonstrate through goal-oriented programs their commitment to achieve long-term results and savings for the health care system as well as the broader communities and eco-systems in which they reside.

Already, 20 leaders in health care have registered for the pilot phase of the workshop.

The workshop will help the participants better understand the linkages between health and environment, the impact health care facilities have on our ecosystems, and create a vision for sustainable health care going forward. More importantly, the workshop will begin to instil the knowledge and behaviours required to develop sustainable initiatives at health care institutions across Canada.

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (CCGHC - the Coalition) is a nationally incorporated not-for-profit organization committed to Canadian health service organizations, associations and environmentally focused business associates that promote the adoption of environmentally friendly and sustainable health care service delivery.

The Coalition collaborates with health care organizations, facilities, and professionals, governments and non-governmental organizations, the private sector and others to raise awareness of this issue and to increase the capacity of the health care sector to address its environmental issues.

Kady Cowan, CCGHC Chair and Energy Steward at University Health Network, "There is no denying the inextricable link between our health, the delivery of health care, and the environment, and we are thrilled to be working with a company that shares our understanding of the many interconnected environmental issues faced by our colleagues in health care. The new workshops create opportunities to share resources with an increased number of green champions across Canada and to better equip them with the tools they need to improve the sustainability of their health care organizations."

"This partnership will help us bring sustainable health care to the right audiences across Canada.  Individuals and institutions that have the imagination and capacity to make the process, technical and behaviour changes that will save money, increase safety and help protect the environment," concludes Kady.

Globally, Johnson and Johnson healthy futures 2015 goals are intended to align the organization to improve and manage its impact on the environment and communities in which it operates. Over the years, Johnson & Johnson environmental improvement projects have consistently resulted in more energy efficient manufacturing processes and declining energy and resource consumption.

Teri Lawver, President of Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies explains, "We have a strong responsibility to the communities in which we live and work. The overall health of our communities is a critical component of improving the sustainability of Canadian health care. We are extending the principles behind the Johnson & Johnson Healthy Futures goals to aid our Community partners to improve their environmental performance. "

"At Johnson & Johnson we aim to make the world a better and healthier place through everything we do. The partnerships we develop, the way we conduct business every day, and the programs and alliances we support define who we are," she notes.

Allen Bridge, Environmental Sustainability & Waste Management, Alberta Health Services notes, "The problem of increasing volumes of medical waste, including infection waste, anatomical and pathological waste and pharmaceuticals, is a major global issue. Thanks to the support of Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies, the Coalition will have an opportunity to educate more Albertan health care professionals in positions of influence on ways to improve waste management protocols. This will be a tremendous benefit allowing them to expose far more people in health care to the merits of proper source separation, and the ever growing concerns around human tissue waste and waste from operating rooms. This is a win-win for health care organizations and the environment."

The workshop is scheduled to coincide with HealthAchieve, the largest health care conference and exhibition of its kind on the continent being held November in Toronto, Ontario 7th to 9th 2011.

Once this pilot session is completed, the Training Workshops will be offered across Canada, including French delivery in Quebec.

About CCGH

For over ten years the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has been helping those working in health care facilities, non-governmental and governmental organizations, individuals, students and businesses to share green health care best practices and to become better equipped to deal with the growing demands placed upon them to be environmentally responsible health service workers and individuals.

Together with our Stewardship Council members, staff, Interns, volunteers and supporters across Canada, the Coalition provides a virtual platform for the sharing of ideas and resources; we lend support to those seeking to build a stronger, healthier and more sustainable health service delivery system and we strive to improve access to best practice information, innovative goods and services that offer a clear environmental advantage to users within the sector, and provide a venue for stakeholders to work together to reduce health care's environmental impact. For more information, visit

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care logo is available at

About Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies (JJMC)

Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies (JJMC), a division of Johnson & Johnson Inc., markets and distributes medical device and diagnostic solutions for use in institutional and primary health care settings across Canada. JJMC focuses on providing minimally invasive treatment options spanning various medical procedures and disease states. Among the products represented by its various business units are: surgical instruments, orthopaedic implants, devices for women's health including breast care, infection prevention and general purpose sterilizers, hernia solutions, haemostatic products, cardiovascular and neurovascular diagnostics and treatment.   

The Johnson & Johnson Medical Companies logo is available at


