VIDEO from Siemens and Synaptic Digital: Los Angeles Convention Center Goes Green, Attracting Sustainability-minded Exhibitors

Number of LEED-Certified Convention Centers Nearly Doubles in US

New York, NY, Nov. 23, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Showcasing green technologies in green buildings; it's a trend that's on the rise. Case in point- the 2011 Los Angeles Auto Show. It's one of the top auto shows in the world and one of the greenest, featuring more than 70 new, fuel efficient, green vehicles on display. That's why exhibitors say it's fitting that the event is held in the Los Angeles Convention Center (LACC), the largest Convention Center in the U.S. to receive its certification in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design for Existing Buildings (LEED-EB) from the U.S .Green Building Council. With 4.1 million square feet of exhibit space, the LACC uses 64 percent less energy per square foot than similar buildings across the country.

See video from Siemens at:

According to the U.S. Green Building Council, the number of LEED certified Convention Centers nearly doubled last year to 19. Another 52 are pursuing LEED certification. Many, like the LACC, are utilizing building automation technologies from companies like Siemens in order to monitor and improve their energy usage. While these improvements come at a cost, going green is often good for the bottom line, since using less energy costs less. 

Next up for the LA Convention Center? The pursuit of LEED Platinum EB, the USGBC's highest certification- something LACC says is entirely possible thanks in large part to the efficiencies they've already put in place.

