MacAulay-Brown Executive Presented with Cardia Draconis Award for Life Time of Leadership and Achievement by the Air Force Emergency Management Association

Bob Larson Honored by the United States Air Force Emergency Management Community for His More Than 40 Years of Service and Dedication to Air Force Emergency Management

DAYTON, Ohio, Dec. 8, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MacAulay-Brown, Inc. (MacB), a leading engineering and technical services company supporting the U.S. Defense and Intelligence Community with over 2,000 employees worldwide, announced today that the Air Force Emergency Management Association (AFEMA) has bestowed its highest honor to Bob Larson, a Vice President at MacB. Larson was presented with AFEMA’s Cardia Draconis (Heart of the Dragon) Award during the International Association of Emergency Managers Conference, which was held in Las Vegas from November 11 through 18.

This is only the seventh time since 1997 The Cardia Draconis has been awarded. According to the association President Mr. Larry Hull, the Cardia Draconis is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon an Air Force Emergency Manager. Air Force Emergency Management warriors reserve this special honor only for those who have displayed the highest level of professionalism and service before self and demonstrated integrity and moral character, an outstanding degree of professional competence, and have contributed to the promotion of the Emergency Management and civil engineer communities and the United States Air Force in numerous ways over the course of their career.

"It is a great pleasure to congratulate Bob on being recognized for his more than 40 years of dedicated service to the Emergency Management field," said Sid Fuchs, President and CEO of MacB. "To be given an award that rises to the level of the Cardia Draconis, which has only been awarded to six other people in 15 years, is a testament to Bob’s outstanding leadership and his commitment to saving lives and protecting property during an emergency or disaster."

Bob Larson stated, "It is tough to describe in words what being given the Cardia Draconis means to me. It was always my hope that the service my colleagues and I dedicated our lives to would make a difference. As I look back on my career and accomplishments, I want to thank all those I have worked with. This award is as much a reflection of their service, sacrifices and successes as it is mine." 

Recipients of the Cardia Draconis Award receive a large sword mounted to a solid oak base. The term "Heart of the Dragon" is significant to Air Force Emergency Managers because the Dragon is the traditional symbol that represents not only the Air Force Emergency Management Career field, but also the United States Army Chemical Corps.


Bob Larson is a Vice President at MacB and is responsible for Strategic Business Development of Emergency Management and Medical Programs. He joined MacB in 1999 and has achieved steady growth in the Armament, Emergency Management, Medical and Training areas supporting Air Force and Army clients. Prior to joining the civilian defense services industry, Larson served 26 years in the Air Force, retiring at the rank of Colonel. He served at all levels of command, including two tours of duty in the Pentagon as a Program Element Monitor for Air Force Chemical/Biological Defense programs. He also served as the Systems Program Director for the Air Base Systems Program Office at Eglin and retired as the Vice Commander of the 3200th Support Wing at Eglin. He graduated from the University of Arizona in 1966 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Business Management and earned a Masters Degree in 1982 from the University of Northern Colorado in Public Administration. He is a graduate of the Air War College, Air Command and Staff College and Acquisition Management for Senior Acquisition Officials.


Based in Dayton, Ohio and with locations throughout the U.S., MacB is owned by industry veterans Syd and Sharon Martin and is a leading engineering and technical services company serving the U.S. Defense and Intelligence Community with over 2,000 employees worldwide. For over 30 years, customers have relied on MacB to provide a broad range of technology services, solutions and management support in the areas of Information Operations/Warfare; Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance; Electronic Combat Systems; C4I Systems; Threat Exploitation; Test and Evaluation; Information Technology Solutions; Systems Engineering and Integration; and Technical and Acquisition Management Support. MacB’s customers include various U.S. Intelligence Agencies, the U.S. Air Force, United States Special Operations Command, Air Force Materiel Command, National Air and Space Intelligence Center, U.S. Navy Naval Air Systems Command, United States Northern Command, multiple prime contractors and more. For more information on MacB, please visit


The Air Force Emergency Management Association is a non-profit (501(c)) organization managed by a cadre of volunteers who strive to ensure the objectives of the program are maintained. Its mission is to enhance the Air Force mission by striving to improve the effectiveness of Air Force Emergency Management programs and the personnel that manage and sustain the US Air Force mission and promote the goals of saving lives and protecting property during emergencies and disasters. The Association relies on private contributions, memberships, and volunteers. Proceeds are used to help fund costs associated with the Cardia Draconis award, the Air Force Emergency Management career field coin fund and other related charities as determine by the officers and directors of the Association.

