MLMLegal Announces Completion of Over 600 MLM Company Profiles

The Most Trusted MLM Attorney, Jeffrey Babener, Has Compiled Over 600 Direct Selling Company Profiles

PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 6, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The extensive list of MLM, direct selling, and network marketing profiles include the company's founding story, its impact on the industry, discussion of its products, the distributor opportunity, and a discussion of distributor base and sales volume in the United States. The company information is gathered from each company's website or other public places.

To access the company profiles visit:

At MLMLegal.Com the intent of MLM Company Profiles is strictly educational, and, to provide insight into the broad array of Company offerings from an industry that spans the globe in upwards of 150 countries with sales volume exceeding $100 billion and distributor involvement in the tens of millions. MLMLegal.Com does not promote or endorse any Company. MLMLegal.Com offers no value judgments, either pro or con, regarding the Companies. In most instances, descriptive material comes from self description by the Companies themselves. In all presentations, the names and logos of the Companies are obviously the trademarks owned by the Companies and are presented for the express purposes of informing the public about the Companies; and no product or opportunity offered by the Companies is offered in this presentation.

MLMLegal.Com typically provides a link to official Company websites so that readers can become more fully informed about Companies that are profiled. The descriptive material offered is best categorized as "snapshot" information and represents a good starting point for research on Company products, services and opportunities. A reading of a Company Profile is properly followed up with visits to the Company website, research on major internet search engines, discussions with industry professionals and experts and feedback from those acquaintances who have had direct experience with the Companies. In addition, a wealth of information on MLM, Direct Selling, Direct Sales, Network Marketing and Party Plan will be found at, including scores of articles, video, resource opportunities and detailed analysis on industry issues and factors to consider in both starting and running a MLM Company or a MLM home based business.

Attorney Jeffrey Babener hosts the MLM Startup Conference February 23rdand 24th, 2012 in Las Vegas. View the MLM Conference Advert at: or the video invitation at: Mr. Babener's latest video invitation is available at:

Watch Mr. Babener's live MLM Company and distributor training video:

Presented by one of the most trusted individuals in direct selling and MLM, Jeffrey Babener of

About Attorney Jeffrey Babener: Conference Host and Chairman, Editor of, as well as the leading direct selling attorney in the United States - With over 25 years of experience as a direct selling attorney, Jeffrey Babener has advised leading companies in the MLM/Direct Selling Industry, such as Avon, NuSkin, Nikken, Melaluca, Usana, Excel Telecom, Shaklee, Discovery Toys, ACN, etc. He's been published in national magazines such as Money, Inc., Atlantic Monthly, Entrepreneur magazine, Success magazine, and Money Maker's Monthly, among countless others. He's authored several books, including his most popular Network Marketing: What you should know. Mr. Babener has chaired more than 60 national conferences on direct selling.

Contact: Babener & Associates/

Telephone: 503-226-6600

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