Newly Created Positions Can Cause C-Suite Confusion

RHR International Points Out the Pitfalls of Integrating Into a Role With no Predecessor

CHICAGO, Jan. 30, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To answer pressing strategic or tactical challenges, organizations often find it necessary to create a new executive position based on that specific need. But if you were introduced to the new Executive Vice President of Customer Engagement, would you know why this individual is there, what this new position was exactly responsible for executing and how it fits into the existing organization chart?

In this issue of its thought leadership publication, Executive Insight, RHR International presents an overview of the challenges involved in undertaking a role that has no cultural precedent. Part two ("Who is This Person and Why Do I Care?") is scheduled for publication in February and will provide practical action steps that should be taken to ensure the future of the position, the new executive and the organization. CEOs who do not ensure the proper process is in place risk senior team confusion, loss of the time and money invested in the new leader, and lack of progress on the issue that led to the creation of the position. Left to their own devices, executives may also establish priorities that do not align with the CEO's, causing time wasted in "course corrections."

"Executives coming into, or promoted to, positions with newly coined titles experience more difficulties in the transition process than those who follow in the footsteps of another executive," said Dr. Adam Kling, Global Practice Leader - Executive Selection & Integrationfor RHR International. "The stress on these "job pioneers" to fulfill their mandate (with instructions that are often ambiguous) can be enormous."

Colleague Dr. Steven Gilbert, a Principal with RHR International, agrees. "Executives in a new position will interact with other roles above, below and to the side," he said. "They not only have to sell themselves to each level (as every new leader does), but also the very roles they fill. Skeptical peers (and potential rivals) will require hard evidence that the new position will affect the company's bottom line before cooperation can be expected."

For details on the challenges faced by executives blazing new pathways within the organization, download the complete issue, entitled "To Boldly Go…"


We are a firm of management psychologists and consultants who work closely with top management to accelerate individual, team and business performance. We focus on five key areas of client need — Executive Selection and Integration, Accelerated Executive Effectiveness, Senior Team Effectiveness, Management Due Diligence and CEO Succession. We have been proven difference-makers for more than 65 years, unique in our combination of top management focus, psychologists' perspective and high-level business acumen.

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