New Study Details Met Office's Digital Communications Best Practices, Including Innovative Strategies for Social Media and Search Engine Optimisation

LONDON, March 28, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GovDelivery, a leader in cloud-based communication solutions for government, released a brief today that highlights the innovative work the Met Office has implemented throughout their communication across the UK.

Weather affects everyone and the need to deliver accurate, timely, critical information using all the available modern communications channels is something that the Met Office has worked hard to achieve in recent years. The best practices brief, Integrated Communication and Social Media Forecast Looks Excellent for Met Office, discusses the Met Office's continued recognition from private sector companies, such as IBM and Econsultancy, and delves into the strategies and tactics that the Met Office is currently employing to great success.

In the best practices brief, the Met Office reviews several goals as part of their overall communications strategy:

  • Build subscriber base for severe weather email notifications
  • Increase web traffic
  • Increase advertising revenue generated from the website
  • Increase amount of external links back to the main Met Office site
  • Better engage citizens through social media
  • Achieve targeted keyword presence with search engine results pages (SERPs) associated with event calendar content

"At the core of our overall communications strategy, we believe it is essential to establish a cohesive, collaborative team that sets the tone for all of our digital communications efforts," said Simon Swan, Online Marketing and Planning Manager, Met Office. "Combining the work of that team with GovDelivery's Digital Communication Management system to push out our social media communications and integrate all email notifications with social media in an automated process help us to accomplish these goals."

Further described in the brief, the Met Office also recommends developing a methodology for not only pulling the public into the Met Office website for information about weather and climate, but gaining subscribers so information that subscribers are interested in is pushed out to them. Finally it suggests ramping up "pull" efforts through an innovative search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy that brings more visitors to the website, encourages visitors to sign up for future updates about weather, climate and events, and then delivers relevant content to them via email, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr.

"The Met Office is doing some really innovative and brilliant things to maximise their connections with the public. We were excited to partner with them to share their digital communications strategy and tactics and to highlight their successes in this best practices brief. We believe that many public sector organisations can learn from the work the Met Office is doing, especially with regard to social media and SEO, and we hope this brief can be a guide for others," said Dave Worsell, Director of Government Solutions, GovDelivery.

Download the brief at

About The Met Office

The Met Office is the UK's National Weather Service, employing more than 1,800 people worldwide. The Met Office provides a wide range of services, from providing weather information to the public, working with organisations around the world to advance global understanding around climate, and providing impartial information to governments in the UK and Europe.

About GovDelivery

GovDelivery, the leading provider of government-to-citizen communication solutions, helps government maximise direct connections with the public while reducing communications cost. More than 500 government organisations worldwide, including more than half of major U.S. federal agencies, as well as state, county, and city governments in the U.S., and local authorities and central government agencies in the United Kingdom, use GovDelivery to optimize their effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement in communications with the public. GovDelivery is a partner company of ICG (Nasdaq:ICGE). For more information, visit

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