Mattersight Announces New Customer for Big Data Solution for Multi-Channel Analytics

CHICAGO, IL--(Marketwire - Mar 29, 2012) - Mattersight Corporation (NASDAQ: MATR) today announced a new customer for its big data solution for Multi-Channel Analytics. The client is a large healthcare insurance provider and has engaged Mattersight to capture, store and analyze customer and employee interactions across multiple customer touchpoints, including calls, emails, website visits and outbound customer alerts. In addition, Mattersight's Multi-Channel repository will incorporate important transaction data such as Explanations of Benefits information (EOBs). This interaction and transaction data will be indexed by customer and employee and then combined with other available customer and employee data.

Armed with this data, Mattersight will be partnering with this customer to:

  • Identify contact resolution patterns by channel and across channels
  • Predict which communications generate calls from which customers
  • Create new customer insights

"As the frequency and ways for communication with customers increases, our clients are seeing huge value in understanding each individual customer's experience," said Kelly Conway, Mattersight's President and CEO. "We are excited to leverage our expertise in capturing, storing and analyzing big data to provide this new insight to our clients."

Big Data Solution for Multi-Channel Analytics

Mattersight's big data solution for Multi-Channel Analytics captures, stores, and analyzes customer and employee interactions across multiple customer touchpoints, indexing every captured interaction to an individual customer identifier.

The volume of customer and employee interactions is exploding as additional communication channels evolve, making it nearly impossible for companies to follow a customer's interaction across channels. Multi-Channel Analytics utilizes Mattersight's big data expertise to address a number of challenges companies face in leveraging multi-channel interaction data:

  • Data in each channel is often maintained in its own silo
  • It is difficult to integrate data from multiple channels to a common customer identifier
  • Combined channel data is so large it overwhelms traditional database architectures, business intelligence, and data mining capabilities

Mattersight's Multi-Channel Analytics solves these problems by capturing customer and employee interactions across multiple customer touchpoints, including calls, emails, chats, website visits, mobile applications, and employee desktop data. Every captured interaction is indexed by customer and employee and combined with other available customer and employee data. Mattersight then automatically analyzes every second of every captured interaction in the cloud, using millions of proprietary algorithms and unique behavioral models. The output of this analysis is hundreds of contextually accurate data attributes on every captured interaction, indexed by individual customer in a flexible data mart.

Using this data, Mattersight partners with its clients to drive significant business value by predicting future customer outcomes, identifying contact resolution patterns, creating new customer insights, enabling predictive routing, and assisting with social media intervention.

Mattersight's Multi-Channel Analytics leverages its strong competencies and expertise managing big data. Every day, Mattersight captures over 70 trillion data attributes, applies over 2 million algorithms, executes over 250 billion computations, and processes over 350 TB of data.

To learn more about Mattersight and the Behavioral Analytics service, visit

About Mattersight

Mattersight is a leader in enterprise analytics focused on customer and employee interactions and behaviors. Mattersight's Behavioral Analytics service captures and analyzes customer and employee interactions, employee desktop data and other contextual information to improve operational performance and predict future customer and employee outcomes. Mattersight's analytics are based on millions of proprietary algorithms and the application of unique behavioral models. The company's SaaS+ delivery model combines analytics in the cloud with deep customer partnerships to drive significant business value. Mattersight's applications are used by leading companies in Healthcare, Insurance, Financial Services, Telecommunications, Cable, Utilities and Government. See What Matters™ by visiting

Contact Information:

David Gustafson
Vice President of Marketing & Product Management
(847) 582-7016