Swedish Municipalities Select ConVirt Enterprise Software to Manage Open Source-Based Virtual Servers

Virtualization management software from Convirture helps cities double number of virtual servers

SAN FRANCISCO, April 5, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Hallsberg municipality in central Sweden is now managing  its Xen virtual servers and performing all administration using ConVirt Enterprise software. The management interface is via web browser, with no additional software on the administrator's client workstation, thereby providing the flexibility to use most any client operating system - Linux, Windows, or Mac.

Previously, says systems engineer Magnus Hoglund, the municipality used Platespin Orchestrate but that required software installed on administrative workstations, as well as agent software installed on both physical and virtual servers.

"The simplicity and ease-of-use is a really important attribute of ConVirt and the automation features in the software including templates, make it easy to provision virtual servers," said Hoglund. "Also, now the municipality is able to automatically backup virtual servers using ConVirt. That is important considering how quickly virtual server usage is growing."

At the Hallsberg municipality, the virtual servers are running on physical servers in two clusters and the number of virtual servers is expected to double by year end. ConVirt Enterprise is also being used to manage multiple virtual servers in Askersund and which Hoglund expects will double by year end. Hoglund's team also recently set up IT for a high school shared by both municipalities and that will run entirely on virtual servers.

The municipalities, with populations of approximately 15,000 for each, have a wide range of software on the servers including Agresso, Apache, ArcGIS, Internet Information Server, MySQL, Novell GroupWise Mail, Novell OpenEnterprise Server, Novell Data Synchronizer and OTRS Help Desk.

"These deployments are a perfect example of open source virtualization filling a vital, mission-critical need, while delivering considerable cost savings over proprietary, closed alternatives," said Arsalan Farooq, CEO of Convirture. "We're pleased that after a thorough examination of Convirture and the competition that ConVirt was able to deliver for the citizens of these cities."

ConVirt Enterprise supports the municipalities' current server platform, Suse Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) 11 for both Xen and KVM virtual servers.

Convirture is the maker of ConVirt Enterprise, which is sophisticated, enterprise-grade software for managing virtualization and private-cloud environments based on open platforms such as Linux, Xen and KVM.

About Convirture
Convirture was founded in 2007 to help organizations effectively manage open source virtualization platforms. More information is available at www.convirture.com.

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