New York City and D.C. Students Study Climate Change in Advance of U.N. Conference

Teens to Make Their Opinion Heard at Rio+20 Conference in June

NEW YORK, April 16, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Six hundred school students from New York City and Washington, D.C., will search for climate change solutions during an all-day conference April 20. Many of the students participate in Global Kids (, an award-winning in-school and afterschool international leadership program.

The Global Kids Annual Youth Conference culminates a year of study about issues that impact people around the world and how youth voices can make a difference. A group of students at the conference will be taking their concerns about climate change to the Rio+20 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that will occur in June.

WHAT: Global Kids Annual Youth Conference
WHO: Six hundred New York City and D.C. high school students, many who participate in Global Kids
WHEN: Fri., April 20, 9 a.m.–4 p.m.
  9 –10:30 a.m. Morning Plenary
  10:30 a.m.–Noon  Morning Workshop: Climate Change Overview
  1–2 p.m.  Afternoon Plenary with Address from Ginger Zee, meteorologist, ABC's Good Morning America
Afternoon Workshops on: Green architecture and urban planning, fracking, forced migration, water, health, zero waste, green economy, poverty, alternative energy, natural disasters, and regulation and policy
  3:30–4 p.m Closing Plenary
WHERE: Baruch College
  17 Lexington Ave.
  Mason Hall
  New York City

Global Kids (—the premier non-profit educational organization for global learning and youth development—works to ensure that urban youth have the knowledge, skills, experiences and values they need to succeed in school, participate effectively in the democratic process, and achieve leadership in their communities and on the global stage. Young people examine global issues, make local connections, and create change through peer education, social action, digital media, and service-learning, while receiving intensive support from GK staff.

Reaching over 14,000 youth and educators each year--while groundbreaking online programs reach millions more--Global Kids transforms lives while charting new life journeys. Global Kids operates in-school and out-of-school time programs in New York City and Washington, D.C. public schools and at our headquarters. Representing the rich diversity of our world, many Global Kids participants, better known as the GK Leaders, attend low performing schools and live in neighborhoods whose ethnic groups are largely underrepresented academically, politically and professionally.

The Global Kids, Inc. logo is available at

