Launch of Skoodat(R) iON(R) Will Help Schools Monitor Core Processes of Education Effectiveness

New Cloud Social-Survey App Earns Endorsement of Leading Education Researcher

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., May 1, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Educators have struggled for decades to get to the core of what makes schools most effective. Now a groundbreaking social-survey app from Skoodat makes it possible to measure the processes that matter most, based on decades of research from the Effective Schools Movement.

Dr. Larry Lezotte, one of the original researchers who identified the correlates of effective schools, praised the new cloud application. "With iON, Skoodat can properly claim its place as a pioneer," said Lezotte. "Skoodat iON provides a tool for authentically analyzing school effectiveness. For the first time, the vital indicators of school effectiveness and modern technology have been integrated in an efficient, user-friendly system. I believe Skoodat iON will make a positive difference in monitoring effectiveness in any and every educational organization."

What is unique about Skoodat iON is the way it blends social networking with survey results that measure trends over time. According to Lezotte, "The cardinal principle of continuous improvement is 'monitor and adjust.' Skoodat iON provides the tool that makes it possible for educational institutions to monitor the core processes of effectiveness—the tool school leaders have been seeking for a generation. Skoodat iON is a game changing system for all educational organizations. It monitors the vital indicators that drive school improvement and ultimately school effectiveness."

Skoodat iON goes far beyond traditional survey tools. It starts with targeted, research-based surveys. Schools can gather and report real-time constituent feedback to follow the right trends and track meaningful activities—those that truly impact student learning—while gathering data to support and implement sustainable change. Skoodat iON augments the surveys with built-in, private, social networking to help strengthen learning communities with an online, collaborative community. This means educators gain a powerful way to capture vital feedback from the entire learning community, then leverage that information within a secure, private social network.

According to Skoodat CEO Ken McElrath, "We designed the app with powerful social-networking capabilities because educators want to ignite and sustain measurable, positive, sustainable change. That kind of change requires both meaningful data and an ongoing collaborative process for responding to what the data reveals."

About Skoodat

Skoodat designs and implements cloud technology solutions, making education data useful, for everyone, in real time. Agile and integrated, Skoodat solutions help your learning-community connect, communicate and collaborate in the cloud to improve the education experience for all. From international organizations to home-school families, Skoodat understands both education and technology and has a track record of delivering innovative, designful, scalable solutions to ignite sustainable change, streamline processes and increase efficiencies to improve education. Skoodat applications and components help education leaders innovate more quickly and flexibly, leveraging cloud technologies to dramatically reduce environmental impact and enhance performance. For more information, visit


Press Contact:
Ken McElrath, CEO, Skoodat
423 244 0205

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