InsideView Delivers Industry's First ROI Dashboard That Links Social Selling Activities to Bottom-Line Revenue

Sales Teams Track and Fine-Tune Social Selling Performance With the New InsideView ROI Dashboard and Insightful Activity Reports

SAN FRANCISCO, CA--(Marketwire - May 14, 2012) - InsideView, the only social selling provider to reveal the person behind the contact, today released the industry's most comprehensive and accurate tools for tracking return on investment from social selling activities and technologies. The new InsideView ROI Dashboard and advanced Sales Team Activity reports enable sales leaders to tie actual business results to InsideView social selling activities. The new dashboard, available now for, and for Microsoft Dynamics CRM later this quarter, provides actionable insight into sales activities and their resulting revenue.

"Establishing the link between social selling activities and bottom line revenue has been a holy grail for sales leaders and enterprise executives that have implemented social selling practices within their organization," said Umberto Milletti, CEO of InsideView. "For the first time ever, executives can quickly identify revenue and productivity gains achieved through social activities. By employing best practices, implementing performance metrics and fine-tuning social selling strategies, sales teams are able to more effectively meet quarterly goals and optimize sales resources for productivity."

ROI Dashboard Tracks Social Selling Results
The InsideView ROI Dashboard delivers rich information across three key areas: leads, accounts, and contacts, and opportunities. The InsideView ROI Dashboard transforms outdated sales team management tactics into actionable, rewarding goal setting that is powered by accurate information. Sales professionals and their managers are now able to monitor actual business results and fine-tune activity any time. The InsideView ROI Dashboard helps sales teams identify, track, and report social selling activities that make meaningful impact on their business. This information enables constant monitoring and adjustment of tactics to achieve the greatest results.

"With the InsideView ROI Dashboard, we were immediately able to track the value of our investment in social selling," said Melissa Cole, Manager SAMM, Learning & Development for Egencia, an Expedia Inc. Company. "In the first nine months using InsideView, we identified more than 150 active sales opportunities and identified approximately 1,200 key contacts. The dashboard has already become a key component of our sales and marketing process by attaching real business value to our social selling activities and fine-tuning our social selling strategies and best practices for optimal sales performance."

New Sales Leadership Reports Reveal Social Engagement and Activity Levels
InsideView today also revealed new Sales Team Activity Reports. These extensive information reports are customizable and designed to give sales leaders a visual summary of InsideView usage within their organization. Additionally, the reports detail the monthly activity and engagement with the social selling and intelligence features InsideView is famous for. With the reports, sales leaders can monitor InsideView license usage, Company and People Insights features usage across the team, connections and referrals between team members and their personal contacts, connections with reference accounts and previous employers, and the usage of features such as Company and People Alerts. With these new administrative reports, sales leaders can set and monitor social activity goals and drive overall team performance.

About InsideView
InsideView, the leading provider of sales intelligence, increases productivity and revenue by delivering relevant business and social insights to the point of need. Our award-winning technology gathers and analyses information from the most relevant social media, user-contributed and traditional/proprietary editorial sources to provide compelling insights about companies and contacts directly within your CRM, browser, or mobile device. More than 200,000 sales professionals, and over 1,000 market-leading companies including Adobe, AIG, BMC, CapGemini, Egencia, and SuccessFactors use InsideView. For more information, visit InsideView.

Contact Information:

Kelli Tejada
+1 (415) 271-9820